Recent content by 406girl4life

  1. 406girl4life

    Aggression issue

    Sigh. Yeah. I feel so bad for her. Everything I read was saying she cannot be alone, that it is detrimental to them so I moved her there. I almost wish I just kept her but winter in Montana is long and cold and I didn’t think she would make it alone. we will see what happens I guess.We...
  2. 406girl4life

    Aggression issue

    Ok- I posted two weeks ago after a bear killed all but one of my hens. Well, I gave my one girl (she was clearly the top of the pecking order at my house) to my parents who have 6 hens. We put her in a separate area of the run where they can see each other thru the chickenwire fence and...
  3. 406girl4life

    Lonely chicken

    I think I might have solved my problem... I am going to rehome her with my parents chickens. That way I can see her when I’m there and she will have friends. Hoping it will all go smoothly. Luckily they have a little separation area she can hang in for the first week or so before it starts to...
  4. 406girl4life

    Lonely chicken

    How does one keep a “house chicken”. I know my husband and would not let me do that, no chance in hell, but now I’m curious.
  5. 406girl4life

    Lonely chicken

    We have drilled screws all thru the door sticking out to cut the bears paws and gotten new latches that are very heavy duty. I don’t think it will be able to rip off the door again.
  6. 406girl4life

    Lonely chicken

    It is with a heavy heart that I say over the weekend a bear tore my coop apart and ate all my hens except one while I slept inside nearby. I am devastated and heart broken as my girls were my little nuggets and I loved them almost an unhealthy amount 💔. I had never had a bear sighting before...
  7. 406girl4life

    Dangler on my chickens ear lobe

    Never noticed it until yesterday and I’m usually very in tuned to my girls well being (only have 5 chickens) so I think it came on fairly suddenly. Looks like a scab at the base so wondering if maybe it is some kind of keloid or hyperkeratotic reaction to a mild injury? She is happy as a clam...
  8. 406girl4life

    Chickens won’t stop pecking one chicken

    I have a flock of 5 hens, all been raised together since 1 day old and gotten along beautifully. They are all born February 2019 and all been laying consistantly since July 2019. 3 barred rocks, 2 Eastereggers. A night about 3 weeks ago their roost must have cracked and broke while they were...
  9. 406girl4life

    My first egg!!!

    What a productive first week! I guess their cycles are all synced to start producing at the same time lol!
  10. 406girl4life

    My first egg!!!

    First egg today!!! It’s so little and perfect! Came from one of my Easter Eggers. They are 19 weeks old. So awesome
  11. 406girl4life

    My mystery chickens! Any guesses?

    Update on Pitter and Patter... Currently 11.5 weeks! 99.9% sure Pitter is male (red). 99.9% sure Patter is female (black).
  12. 406girl4life

    Easter Eggers are like a box of chocolates....

    ... you never know what you’re gonna get! The two chicks circled, I called them “the twins” cause they were virtually identical and I couldn’t tell them apart except that one was the tiniest but darker brown... Look at what they grew into at just over six weeks! Completely different and pretty...
  13. 406girl4life


    Yes! He is way too beautiful and has a wide comb. Holding onto about 1% hope he’d a pullet but I doubt it. Trying to convince my husband it’s a benefit to have a rooster so I don’t have to rehome him
  14. 406girl4life

    Red Easter egger rooster

    Here is his comb at five weeks :(
  15. 406girl4life

    Red Easter egger rooster

    I’m thinking one of mine is a cockerel too and I think he may look similar if he is! I was hoping for a pullet too, hoping I can keep him if he is make.... Here he is at 6 weeks currently.
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