Recent content by 5GodsDown

  1. 5GodsDown

    Comment by '5GodsDown' in article 'How Much Room Do Chickens Need?'

    A very clear article! Though I want to add I don't see many people talking about automated coop doors. You talk about getting up early to let your chickens out of their coop, but you can easily solve that with an automated door. That way, if you are on a holiday, someone only needs to come check...
  2. 5GodsDown

    My adopted rooster Coco is living the life

    That's great! I adore roosters and I wish I could just take them all in. At the moment I don't have enough space but when we move in the future I would really like to look for a house with space enough to host my own bachelor flock. How is the flock been going for you? Do you have several breeds...
  3. 5GodsDown

    My adopted rooster Coco is living the life

    This is undeniably the cutest thing I've seen happening in my flock. This is Coco, my adopted Serama rooster enjoying the first warm sun of the year with my 3 Sussex hens Barb, Blondie and Sweet Pea. I love my hens so much. Throw in a rooster and they act like it's always been there. They...
  4. 5GodsDown

    Necrotic tissue after vent surgery (graphic images)

    Hi all, I have a little guest over since 3 weeks. Reggie is a 2 year old Serama who's had months of vent issues. As I understand she had some sort of extra hole and necrotic tissue kept building up that had to be removed. During all of this Reggie was doing well and showed no other signs of...
  5. 5GodsDown

    Adding another young cockerel to +- 1 y/o flock

    Thank you for your kind words, Mary :) My girlfriend and I are actually trying to start up a little project to spread awareness about MD in our country's poultry community, because I don't want people going in as unprepared as I was.
  6. 5GodsDown

    Adding another young cockerel to +- 1 y/o flock

    Yes, you can find it here:
  7. 5GodsDown

    Adding another young cockerel to +- 1 y/o flock

    No, he was not despite my advice to do so. In the avian community I'm part of (Belgium and The Netherlands) people generally seem to believe the anti-vaxx lies about vaccinating against Marek's. My girlfriend and I are actively trying to combat this. The Sussex were vaccinated against Marek's...
  8. 5GodsDown

    Adding another young cockerel to +- 1 y/o flock

    He's available when I want to, but I'm trying to play it safe. My previous rooster died of Marek's disease, so I'm going to wait till the chick is at least 8 weeks old, preferably a little bit older even. As said, adding my late rooster and a while ago the Serama cockerel went without issues...
  9. 5GodsDown

    How to get rid of mud in the out door run

    I don't know if it was mentioned already, but I find leaves a pretty good temporary solution in the rainy autumn. I have four big oak trees in my garden so a LOT of leaves in autumn. I pick them up with the leaf blower which cuts them into smaller pieces and I empty the bag in the run, the...
  10. 5GodsDown

    Adding another young cockerel to +- 1 y/o flock

    Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone has any experience with my upcoming situation or has any more useful tips. I'll get right into it: I have three almost one year old big Sussex. When they were 5 m/o I added a similar aged Ayam Cemani cockerel. I kept him separated but he always seemed to...
  11. 5GodsDown

    Question about cat not eating

    No weird Sunday blues for Archie this time. I kept him inside from Saturday evening until Sunday around noon, even then I called him every now and then to check how far he was and he always arrived within seconds (he's neutered and rarely wanders off)
  12. 5GodsDown

    Question about cat not eating

    The vet couldn't find anything. She advised me to keep track of when he's acting weird and to take his temperature those days. Since it happened twice on Sunday we also agreed to lock the cat door Saturday night. Maybe it's all coincidental or maybe it's sort of an infection with a certain...
  13. 5GodsDown

    Question about cat not eating

    I tried to call the vet after work yesterday but was not able to reach her, I'll try again today. Archie is fully back to normal now, but it took a bit longer than last week.
  14. 5GodsDown

    Question about cat not eating

    Hi all He did it again this Sunday. Barely eating, not being his cuddly self and constantly sleeping. While it's not weird for a cat to sleep almost all of the time, he's never sleeping that long when I'm home and when sleeping, he'll try to find a spot on my lap or shoulders. The only reason I...
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