Recent content by 6 littleHens

  1. 6 littleHens

    Raising baby chicks outside with no heat in 35 degree weather

    In the past I have chosen the friendliest hen and forced her to be broody. I put her in with chicks in cage in the house and watched her. She always takes to the chicks quickly then I take them back out after few hours of bonding. Also I have had a breed that usually dont go broody go broody...
  2. 6 littleHens


    3 free 4 month old drakes. 2 pekin and 1 rouen.
  3. 6 littleHens

    Free drakes in Ohio

    I have 3 free drakes 4 months old. 2 pekin and 1 rouen. Ross County, Ohio.
  4. 6 littleHens

    Sexing eggs!

    One of my proven porcelain silkie hen's, after three years started having male characteristics! She stayed by herself for weeks then she started dancing around the other females and acting differently towards me. She used to run to me and want me to pick her up and she stopped all of that. At...
  5. 6 littleHens

    Paint Showgirl Thread

    I just hatched 4 of these in July! Not sure w ho mommie could be as my only showgirl hens were partridge and black. Dad is a blue splash!
  6. 6 littleHens

    Only showgirls die!

    So nobody else loosing showgirls this way? I have seen a hen with deformed beak go around and peck the tops of the heads and think she is injuring the showgirls?
  7. 6 littleHens

    Only showgirls die!

    SO I've been raising showgirls for about a year and a half and it seems I have a lot of showgirl deaths and little silkie deaths! I have one of 5 from my original left. I have had several several chick deaths since getting the original. I bought two beautiful blue cockrels at 6 months old last...
  8. 6 littleHens

    St. John's Wort

    We found this chick down again last night with her leg stretched out and paralyzed. I gave her the mix again and she is already up and outside in the run with her hatchmates. She cant walk well and keeps falling over but is determined! She ate scrambled eggs and drank some water and is good to...
  9. 6 littleHens

    Raising Geese 101

    Are there different egg colors? What does it mean by watchdog?
  10. 6 littleHens

    April Fools 2016 - New Development: Chicken Feed That Changes Egg Shell Color!

    Oh my, I'm so excited! We'll put the Easter egg dyeing kits out of business! I wonder how this affects the longhorn chick hatched from a blue egg? Will it also be blue? Will it automatically grow up and be blue egg layer? 'd like to see the inside of one of these eggs. What color are the...
  11. 6 littleHens

    Membrane Drying Out - 24 hr. Zip Attempt

    I have done things a little differently then others when this happens to me. At this point it is probably an emergency to me to get the chick out. I have had success with a couple that this has happened to by holding the egg in my hand over really warm water not too hot for me and slowly...
  12. 6 littleHens

    St. John's Wort

    So before reading this thread I lost two 6 month old cockrels that I had just purchased in October. Both started dropping right wing and falling forward with steps. Then when I read this thread another 8 month old pullet went down the same way. I started using St john's wart, garlic, and...
  13. 6 littleHens


    Well, she's up and walking around still with a limp on the right side. She takes a step then lifts up her right foot and looks at it. I think it must feel numb. She even runs out to get food when I come. I hate keeping her in the cage but she might get injured if I let her out. I might swap the...
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