Recent content by abserbean

  1. abserbean

    What Rabbits Do You Have? Show Off Your Rabbits Here!

    I was wondering about the stud fee too. I know many people offer pick of litter instead of paying, but I would rather my kids keep the best b/c we are trying to improve stock. We have a castor that is desperate to breed, but no castor to cross her with, and no desire to get a new buck. I could...
  2. abserbean

    Milky poo and yolkless eggs-possible internal laying

    Update on our hen. After a big molt and long break, she is laying again like nothing ever happened! I know she will be prone to problems, but for now she is doing great!
  3. abserbean

    What Rabbits Do You Have? Show Off Your Rabbits Here!

    Thanks bunny lady! I wasn't considering the e, just the a d and c. Makes more sense that way when you think of all five in the series. Still learning! Our red buck is very clean, no smut, but could use more density, which is the problem with reds in general.
  4. abserbean

    What Rabbits Do You Have? Show Off Your Rabbits Here!

    We are stilll learning the genetics, and what crosses produce what color babies. I have a question about a possible cross in our mini rex. We have a black (self), not carrying dilute doe. Her pedigree has quite a bit of red in it, but since she is black than there shouldn't be any A in her...
  5. abserbean

    What Rabbits Do You Have? Show Off Your Rabbits Here!

    My kids have their first big show tomorrow, we're taking our mini-rex to the ARBA state convention, so excited! We've only done fairs and expos, so this is a big jump for us. Hope our buns do well, but we understand that there will be stiff competition tomorrow. I'll be sure to take pics of any...
  6. abserbean

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Do you guys ever use old english game bantams as broodies? We have one pullet, she hasn't even started laying yet, but I had read that they can be a very broody breed. I just don't see how she could, she is so tiny, and not fuzzy like a silkie. Maybe she could cover one or two large fowl eggs...
  7. abserbean

    Is this rooster a pure bred or a mix?

    Yeah, not all EE's have beards, and he could also be an Olive Egger, they are often clean faced but maintain the slate legs and comb of the EE's. He is very handsome! I hated having to give mine away, he was a handsome and well behaved boy, but we aren't allowed roos.
  8. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Okay, so no need to wait a few more weeks. I had my son help me hold him so we could spread his feathers apart, and there are def. male saddle feathers coming in. I also noticed spikey feathers around his comb that my girls don't seem to have, theirs are softer looking for lack of a better word...
  9. abserbean

    Is this rooster a pure bred or a mix?

    He looks very similar to an blue easter egger roo I had, I don't have a recent pic b/c we rehomed him at three months. This is him right before he left, sorry I don't have a side shot, but your guy reminds me of him.
  10. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Yeah, we really love her, she is a great hen. She has beautiful birds in general, check out her site, This is the only bird I have from her, but would love to get some more, gorgeous chickens, and they breed for breed standards. It seems that on our 15 weeks...
  11. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    She is a Welbar, cross between a Barred Rock and a Welsummer. I purchased her from cpartist on here, she is beautiful and lays a dark egg with a pinkish wash. Here is one of her images, not my bird but mine came from here. My girl is a little more silver than these, she is in a molt...
  12. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Thanks for the opinions! My other two Blrw pullets are 31 weeks, so they didn't grow up together for direct comparison. The pointed appearing feathers in the saddle are actually round feathers with pointy lacing. I know that pic didn't demonstrate it very well, but the actual feathers are round...
  13. abserbean

    PLEASE help!! 9 weeks old chick not walking

    Glad she is improving! Hopefully she will bounce back much faster this time. My pullet who had similar symptoms as yours has twice had a small "relapse", each time not as bad as before. I think with her, it is because she is the lowest on the pecking order and they chase her off food and water...
  14. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    It has been the consensus with this chick that it is most likely a cockeral. However, it is now almost 15 weeks, and no mature roo feathers or behaviors, and comb development seems more on track for a hen! Posting a few pics for opinions, tried to get close ups but the chick wasn't feeling it. I...
  15. abserbean

    Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

    At what age do OEGB pullets tend to start to lay? We only have the one little bantam, she is 14 weeks, but her comb/face is pinking up already. I know my heritage birds take until around 30+ weeks, and my hatchery birds were about 18-20, I just don't have any experience with these little ones...
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