Recent content by Afrochicken

  1. Afrochicken

    Purple comb - Help! WITH PHOTO

    So sorry for your loss shes in chicken heaven now
  2. Afrochicken

    Chickens shaking heads and itching Mites?

    My chickens are acting strange latley, they eat really fast and they choke and theyre iching and shaking thier heads alot. can anyone help?
  3. Afrochicken

    Mareks....To cull or not to cull?

    I know its hard but... id cull.
  4. Afrochicken

    Help. Chicken with huge swollen red butt

    Can you post pics? hope ur hen gets well soon!
  5. Afrochicken

    Our beloved silklie rooster died yesterday

    I know how you feel, i lost my 2 fav chickens, one to eggbound? and one to my dog. my poor girls... so sorry for your lost... R.I.P to all the chickens who lost there lives...
  6. Afrochicken

    Michael Jackson faked his death!?

    ya alot of people are saying elvis faked it but id think hed be dead by now still when mj was in the hospital someone pulled the fire alarm and there was no fire. then the airport closed and someone went inside and went on a plane. i wish mj did fake his death. he was saying he wanted to and...
  7. Afrochicken

    Michael Jackson faked his death!?

    well i was looking up if MJ faked his death for fun and sources are saying he DID!!! any thoughts on this?
  8. Afrochicken

    Severe Beak Issue - Photo Attached.

    it looks like a falcon!! name it falcon, hawk or eagle!! hope it gets better soon!
  9. Afrochicken

    Arrghhh I dropped a newly hatched chick!! Updated with photo - GRAPHIC

    awww poor thing... i feel so bad that it has to suffer!! why cant baby chicks fly!?!?! hopeflly it will soon be this!!
  10. Afrochicken

    Extremely uncaring sister...her dog kills my chicken and its my faul

    just what i wanna do to my sister ROUND HOUSE KICK! lol
  11. Afrochicken

    six flags

    theyre taking down scream machine i believe, went Monday and saw huge gapes in the track.... my fav rides are KingdaKa and Bizzaro and Superman!!
  12. Afrochicken

    Karma -- Thoughts?

    I believe in karma. i was being nice to my sister while fishing at the beach and we caught 6 blue fish and i caught the biggest one!!
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