Recent content by alica31

  1. alica31

    Poultry lice Identified! What are my best options to get rid of them?

    Can I dust a broody hen with DE?
  2. alica31


    I have a tiny red frizzles bantam who goes broody every few months. Soooo, I gave in and let her sit on her nest. She kept stealing eggs until she amassed 14 eggs!!!! Yikes. Today one has pipped. I am amazed and excited! It is apparently one of the eggs she stole from one of my EE's since it's blue.
  3. alica31


    What a CUTIE!
  4. alica31

    Aggressive Rooster

    I have tried rooster rehab without success:( My red bantam roo has to go!
  5. alica31

    Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I bought some adorable frizzle bantams at TSC last year.
  6. alica31

    Keeping Chickens Free Range

    My chicks picture showed up on my next door neighbors FACEBOOK. Apparently they came over often, even posing for the photo shoot. Yesterday, I caught them across the road at another neighbor's house. They are grounded in the run today.
  7. alica31

    Tractor Supply Chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I bought 12 chicks from TSC last year. 6 were sex linked and 6 were frizzle bantams. They have all done very well, are so friendly and lay tons of eggs. The frizzles are still adorable!!!! good choice for us.
  8. alica31


    What did you use to sew up injuries?
  9. alica31

    Official BYC Poll: The Worst Predator

    In GA we have many chicken loving predators too. I voted 'hawk' because I see them often. We lost 5 chickens this month while we were away. Whatever killed them didn't eat them or rip them open. Now I want a HUGE covered run & not free range.
  10. alica31


    Welcome to BYC!!!!
  11. alica31

    It was only a matter of time, predator attack...

    MacTech- Sorry for you loss! I came home to 2 dead EE's and 3 RR missing---1 of which I found dead the next day - under a brush pile, as if trying to hide. I felt as if I had left them unguarded or something. (they were free range during the day) My roo had also been attacked & I am proud he...
  12. alica31


    This is one of the best, most supportive chat's I've ever seen on BYC!! KUDO'S Kathy and 21Hens for the awesome response & support. I have never culled one of my chicks but I have had the awful dilemma of watching and waiting.....waiting.....waiting And doing the HAPPY dance when one survives an...
  13. alica31

    Comment by 'alica31' in article 'Hmmcc123s Chicken Coop'

    I don't know how I missed your article and the pictures of your awesome coop! I especially love the split level design---what lucky girls to live such a cool place!!! I cannot wait to try your design ideas.
  14. alica31


    Welcome to BYC, GingerAnn!
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