Recent content by AlienChick

  1. AlienChick

    Review by '' on item 'Salmon Favorelle'

    I purchased five Salmon Favorelle hens two months ago. They are about five months old now. They are so cute and they follow me around the barn while I'm filling up waterers and feeders. I have a wide variety of chicken breeds, but these chickens take the prize for the most inquisitive...
  2. AlienChick

    Ancona Duck Hatching Eggs Available

    I have Ancona duck hatching eggs available. Will ship to Continental US only. Pick-up is also available. Shipping is $18 for Priority 2-day mail. I always pack the eggs extremely careful in bubble wrap. So far no broken eggs have been delivered! Obviously, as with any shipped eggs, I am not...
  3. AlienChick

    State a fact about yourself!

    Just dyed my hair magenta.
  4. AlienChick

    The last letter Game

  5. AlienChick

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    shelter pet
  6. AlienChick

    Ancona ducks?

    ... They are just so entertaining!
  7. AlienChick

    Need ideas on how to heat water this winter for a large flock.

    I don't have as many birds as you have, but in the winter I've often had to place a ligthbulb in the hole of a cinder block and place the waterer on top of the block. I have electricity in the barn and run an extension cord to the lightbulb.
  8. AlienChick

    Comment by 'AlienChick' in article 'Deep Litter Method - The Easiest Way To Deal With Chicken Litter'

    DLM works great! I've been using it for 6 years now. I clean the coop once or twice a year (depending on how many chickens are housed). The key is to keep the litter DRY to avoid any odors. I use regular pine shavings from TSC and keep adding a bit more shavings as necessary throughout the year...
  9. AlienChick

    I'm NEW to ducks - hatching 15 Ancona eggs [help]

    I am incubating Ancona duck eggs. FIRST TIMER with duck eggs (I’ve only ever hatched chickens and guineas). My auto-turner broke :rolleyes: and I’m hand-turning ever few hours. I purchased another auto-turner, but it has not arrived yet. Now I’m reading that hand-turning is better for duck...
  10. AlienChick

    Indoor/Outdoor Run Doors

    I've only got the one coop (I can't imagine having THREE HUNDRED ducks!!!). Anyway, I keep the pop door open 24/7 now since their little run is enclosed. I just open up the run each morning to let them free range. I'm not sure if a little door like this pop door could be rigged with wire to...
  11. AlienChick

    Purebred Duck eggs. Runners, Golden Cascades, Hookbills. NPIP AI clean.

    What colors do you have in your Anconas? (I thought I saw a chocolate in your pics.) What lines are they from? :)
  12. AlienChick

    Show me your Easter Egger chicks please.

    :lau My Cull remained the bully while she was a small chick, then she realized that none of the chickens wanted to have anything to do with her. She ended up sleeping alone on the roost and walking around foraging alone during the day. She probably didn't mind at all, but that was her life...
  13. AlienChick


    from Kentucky!
  14. AlienChick

    New Babies being raised by hen and cold weather

    Mom will raise them with no problem. You don't have to move them or bother them at all. I would not provide any extra heat. Mom will keep them warm enough. And the chicks will naturally venture out from underneath mom just to cool off on their own. Chicks do not need constant heat as you will...
  15. AlienChick

    SILKIE Eggs! 12+ extras. * BUY-IT-NOW * sale

    All of my girls seem to be molting right now. I'm sorry I don't have any eggs available.
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