Recent content by ALJhappychicken

  1. ALJhappychicken

    Avion Flu?

    Alright, thanks for your help!
  2. ALJhappychicken

    RIR hen acting weird.... Any help?

    Nevermind, she's just molting!
  3. ALJhappychicken

    Avion Flu?

    Last night, my sweet orloff hen, Norman, was found lying dead on the coop floor. She didn't look injured and we couldn't smell anything like we did when Buffy got a disease. We recently integrated nine young pullets into the flock, but there hasn't been any problems with the integration. We have...
  4. ALJhappychicken

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "Ah, to be a free bird..."
  5. ALJhappychicken

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "Whaddup, Brudder? Peace!"
  6. ALJhappychicken

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "This year's crops have been just wonderful..."
  7. ALJhappychicken

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "I'm deciding if I should kiss you or peck you..."
  8. ALJhappychicken

    What is this chicken thinking?

    yelling:"Uh-huh! That's right! I'm the best hider-and-seeker! Nobody can ever find me!"
  9. ALJhappychicken

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "Mwa ha ha... You look tasty..."
  10. ALJhappychicken

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Our sweet Cuckoo Marans roo that we rescued. He's recovering from a heavy lice infestation and malnutrition. What is Shanti thinking? Beautiful bird you have there!
  11. ALJhappychicken

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "I like this spot better than the nests."
  12. ALJhappychicken

    Should I feed my 14 Girls Cheese?

    Hi! I was wondering if chickens could eat cheese. I've fed them cottage cheese, and they ate it all up, but can they eat old macaroni and cheese? What about cheese scraps, like the kind you'd put in a sandwich? Thanks in advance for any help!
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