Recent content by Alohacayo

  1. Alohacayo

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hola, Thank you for tagging me. Unfortunately and sadly, I no longer have my chooks… I rehomed them last summer. My very healthy 75 yo mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last summer, and the prognosis was grim. It was also accurate. She entered the hospital with a belly ache...
  2. Alohacayo

    Not new, but back at it

    The baby ones are always spooky to find. Glad no one was hurt! It’s an adventure living out here.
  3. Alohacayo

    Not new, but back at it

    Thank you for the links. It’s always great to have them repeated so they’re easier to find. I built a hoop coop. The hoop coop is completely enclosed with 1/2” hardware cloth. We are in rattlesnake territory. There’s a golf course that winds thru the subdivision, and we are surrounded by rocky...
  4. Alohacayo

    Not new, but back at it

    Lol, for that I need to bring my mom into the picture… She’s 75 this year and lives around the corner. She’s a city girl who raised a heathen. But my dad completely encouraged my obsessions by moving mom out to the “country” (it’s SoCal, 1/2 acre is “country”), all in order to buy me a pony. It...
  5. Alohacayo

    Not new, but back at it

    Hello, again! It’s been a while, not even sure how long. It’s been busy around here. Some good, some sad, both in re the chickens and personal. The chickens! Carla-the-mouth is doing fine. She’s a welsummer, 3yo. We had a blessed few months of silence this winter, but as soon as the eggs...
  6. Alohacayo

    When to give up (non-laying hen?)

    Lol, except for the baby picture, the others in that collage is from December. I’ll get some in the morning. I’m technically okay with the no eggs part. Unless she’s a rooster, if she starts crowing, that’s an immediate out of here, bc the HOA would lay an egg over that. We are getting...
  7. Alohacayo

    When to give up (non-laying hen?)

    Tl;dr 11/12 mo old polish hen, paces and whines almost constantly, no eggs, no crow… possible roo? Possible congenital issue (based off feathers, behavior)? Background: (4) hens •the welsummer mouth-of-the-west, clockwork egg laying, 6/wk, we have a system now (lol, ie, she’s still a mouth...
  8. Alohacayo

    In need of advice. Not chicken related

    All day long. My aunt & uncle owned a restaurant (supper, wine bar, desserts) for 40+ years on the CA coast. They had a cool custom salad bar… it was an old sail boat sloop, that one of their fishmongers had found after it had washed up. It was OLD. And teak… they had it refurbished and made...
  9. Alohacayo

    Raising Mealworms - best practices? How to prevent / stop grain moths to keep wife happy?

    A quick search led me to this: It appears that the nutrition profile is very similar. Using either should work similar, so then it comes down to management of the food source. Live mealworms can be refrigerated, super worms can not. Mealworms life cycle is much faster than superworms. Supers...
  10. Alohacayo

    Raising Mealworms - best practices? How to prevent / stop grain moths to keep wife happy?

    Hi again, it appears you are in Bulgaria? If so, I googled and they do appear to be available in your country. Looks like min order is 50kg (that is ALOT of worms!), but I’m hopeful you’ll be able to find them in a smaller quantity...
  11. Alohacayo

    Raising Mealworms - best practices? How to prevent / stop grain moths to keep wife happy?

    Hi, They are zophobas morio. They are a darkling beetle. Super easy to breed and keep as a colony. Getting them to morph though is 🤏 tricky, but really cool process...
  12. Alohacayo

    The welsummer that won’t shut up, feed related?

    The winds & need to lay (so far) seem to be her biggest triggers. She also is much quieter, even if it’s still windy, for 24-72 hours after a few hours in jail. It’s been about once a week since early January, but always has been when it is windy. Today was another example; winds were steady...
  13. Alohacayo

    Meyer versus local hatchery (hilltop)

    🤷‍♀️ About the outsourcing, but it would be easy enough to contact Patrick or Denise. Because of my very smooth transaction with hilltop, I have zero qualms to recommend them. If you’re anywhere near Corona, in SoCal, I’d order from them again… They were not inexpensive, but sexing was spot...
  14. Alohacayo

    The welsummer that won’t shut up, feed related?

    I had to put Carla-the-mouth in chicken jail again last Friday. We were going to be gone all day and she started winding up around 9am… she goes quiet (mostly, thankfully) if she’s in the kennel in the laundry room… center of the house so no one else can hear her wailing. (The kennel is 34”x48”...
  15. Alohacayo

    Anyone have Sourdough Starter?

    Hi 👋🏼, Ayup, I do sourdough. I make about 10# of bread weekly. The original starter was given to my uncle abt 40 years ago from a friend in Germany. We’re in SoCal. Eventually, no matter where your starter originates, it will be colonized by your local yeasts. Unless you keep it under lab...
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