Recent content by alovechickens

  1. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

    i have many chickens who crow so im not sure if this one is
  2. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

  3. alovechickens

    strange chicken

    how can i tell if a chick is a male or female?
  4. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

    i just checked and one of my chicks has been pecked at the tail bone/tail coverts. any reasons why? also how can i check to see if any of them are roosters?
  5. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

    she has been laying eggs
  6. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

    yes and it is on the medium size kinda hard but then again kinda soft. what does this mean
  7. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

    thank you i am here
  8. alovechickens

    Diagrams,poultry parts,charts, and lots of reading Updated Nov. 13th

    im still confused about what/where the crop of a chicken is
  9. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

  10. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

    i am so sorry i am new to chickens can you explain to me molting and crop?
  11. alovechickens

    strange chicken

    wow thank you! i had no idea she wanted chicks! thank you so much i was getting worries a little bit! also, would that be the reason why last winter one of my large hens never got up out of the nesting box? because when ever i opened the box to check on her she would spike up her feathers and...
  12. alovechickens

    New Flock Questions

    thank you !well i live on a farm with my family and i have 2 new baby goats and 3 horses, 2 cats, 23 chickens, and a dog. my chickens a rhode island red mix with some other breed i cant remember. my chicken that has been acting strange is about 1 1/2 year old. thank you for your time and...
  13. alovechickens

    strange chicken

    hi! i have a barn with lots of chickens and animals. one of my chickens has been acting really really very strange lately. she has been standing still crouched close to the ground, puffed up feathers, keeping her head really close to her chest, and i dont know whats up. Any ideas? im really...
  14. alovechickens

    Chicken with head close to her chest and standing still

    hello i have a farm with all types of animals. I was wondering if you could help me out with one of my chickens. she is acting very very very strange. she keeps putting he head close to her chest and standing still. usually my chickens will run away from me but when i go near her she just walks...
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