Recent content by alxw

  1. alxw

    Cream Brabanters or Mini Savage Raptors?

    I bought 6 brabanter chicks, because they’re beautiful! However the 6 chicks I have are flighty and aggressive. I have never had chicks this young show aggression. The chicks are about 2 1/2 weeks old and when you stick your hand in the brooder they will kick (?) at your hands, they will...
  2. alxw

    Comment by 'alxw' in item 'Old English Game Bantam'

    OEGH- Old English Game Hen. Overall she is just aggressive even when she doesn't have chicks to protect. She is just a nasty bird I cant touch her without my fingers almost being pecked off. OEGH are a type of bantam. All my other bantams have been perfect except for her. Her bloodline may have...
  3. alxw

    Exploding eggs

    I used to work in a chicken house and sometimes the hens would lay their eggs in the shavings and then they would get covered and when you would walk around the house looking for rotten eggs you would accidently step on one and yes it would explode and smell pretty bad. We would check every week...
  4. alxw

    That moment when...

    My feed store doesn't sell meal worms :/ No treats except bread for my chickens :/ But they love their white bread.
  5. alxw

    What can I do to keep my chicks happy and not bored?

    You could try putting in a perch for them to roost and jump on. You can make a separate area for them to start practicing their scratching made of sand and *small bits of gravel. Which is also good for them to eat since they need little rocks and such things in their crops so they can grind...
  6. alxw

    Please help!

    I always mix boiled eggs in with my baby crumbles for my new bitties. Just mash them up, show it to them and normally they devour it. I hear some people feed cooked white rice too. But when they are little I also like to mix a little sand in with their food so their crop can grind the food for...
  7. alxw

    Introduction of new chicks to the Old Flock

    All flocks have a pecking order but buffs are usually pretty docile. I don't take my new chicks out from under the heat lamp in my brooder until they are around 5 weeks old, which then they should be used to a temperature of around 70 degrees and no longer need the heat lamp. I think after...
  8. alxw

    What to do about a hen with one chick and one unhatched egg? AAAAHHHHHGGG!

    Will mom take the chick back if you separate them for a few days?
  9. alxw

    Comment by 'alxw' in item 'Old English Game Bantam'

    She was almost soup when peanut (mean hen) killed my favorite buff bless her poor heart. I had no idea it was peanut the whole time because none of their faces were beat up. I always wonder if the aggression was passed on to peanut from her mom to be so aggressive? Or is it just her personality...
  10. alxw

    Review by '' on item 'Old English Game Bantam'

    I have one OEGH that magically arrived in my yard some how. She is not very tame and it was very hard to catch her to put her in a pen when I first found her in my yard. She is very aggressive. She killed eight of my young Delewares, and one of my Buff Orpingtons. It is very hard to introduce...
  11. alxw

    unhatched eggs

    I have an Old English game hen that hatched out a clutch of ten. My neighbor brought me a bitty and I thought i could sneak it under her in the night and that she would accept the new baby. Negative. I woke up very early to see how she would react before she left the house, and as soon as she...
  12. alxw

    Chick doesn't look like other roosters or hens all by same parents

    I will take better pics tomorrow, even though he is a week behind the others would his comb be significantly not as developed as his other siblings who are a week older? The 2 roosters who are a week older than my mystery odd ball chick with curled tail are already starting to mock fight and...
  13. alxw

    Tumor/Growth Avian Pox maybe ? pic

    She ended up taking a turn for the worse and we lost her. Never will understand what caused the tumor thing :/
  14. alxw

    Will Poulet's instinct to brood one day be influenced by having a good mama hen?

    That is a good idea. They say that going broody has a little something to do with light, breed, age, bla bla and who knows what else. People seem to think that learned behavior is not possible. Yet Fred's Hens the BYC post about how she tracked the generations it just seems possible that learned...
  15. alxw

    Will Poulet's instinct to brood one day be influenced by having a good mama hen?

    There has not been enough research done on behavior of chickens. I'm sure that most people regard them as unintelligent. Yet as the years go by and I watch my flock for extended periods of time the more I become fascinated with these animals that most think of as clueless. These birds clearly...
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