Recent content by amaliayosa

  1. amaliayosa

    Goose has deformed legs

    its more that his/her legs are weak. She was walking and running around yesterday, this hit all of a sudden. Weird..
  2. amaliayosa

    Sick gosling...please help

    Still looks ok, besides the fact that he cannot stand up or walk. I have him isolated, gave him vitamins poly-sol, and put two small cups of food and water in the box. It does not look good.
  3. amaliayosa

    Sick gosling...please help

    Ordered 2 sebastopol goslings along with 14 ducks from Mcmurray . They arrived last week. One of the goslings could not stand, it was very weak as well. It died the next day. Now almost a week later the other gosling is no longer able to stand, it was active all along and now can only lay day...
  4. amaliayosa

    Southwestern Virginia -- split order on sebastopol goslings..

    I just map quested and we are an hour and a half away from each other. Where were you thinking of ordering from?
  5. amaliayosa

    Southwestern Virginia -- split order on sebastopol goslings..

    I may be interested! I lost one last week and another is on her way out grrrr. I live in NW north carolina. Close to Jefferson. We may be able to meet half way. Amy
  6. amaliayosa

    Goose has deformed legs

    Now my other gosling is showing similar symptoms a week later! Not able to stand up, but alert and healthy otherwise. It does hobble around. Any advice? Thanks Amy
  7. amaliayosa

    Goose has deformed legs

    Well 13 ducks arrived today from MM and 2 sebastapol geese. One goose is not doing well at all. Seems it is unable to walk, its feet are curled up, but when i straighten them they looks normal. I have been giving it water every 1/2 hour with a dropper and also gave it some baby vitamins. They...
  8. amaliayosa

    Where to keep the geese?

    Im wondering the same thing. We are getting a pair of geese in April and not sure how to house them. Anyone?
  9. amaliayosa

    My Alpine has loose droppings

    Thanks everyone, I cut everything back a bit, except grain, gave her a sprinkling of baking soda over her grain, and added some celtic sea salt. I also increased her hay. She was not eating much of the last few bales, just bought a few more and she is eating it again. Happy to say her poops are...
  10. amaliayosa

    My Alpine has loose droppings

    What anti diarrhea medicine did you use? And what is Kao? Thanks Amy
  11. amaliayosa

    My Alpine has loose droppings

    Do you generally have to cut the grain back slowly, or can I just cut it in half and increase the hay at once? Thanks Amy
  12. amaliayosa

    My Alpine has loose droppings

    Hello everyone, I have a question/concern about my alpine doe. She has had droppings the consistency of dog poop for a few weeks now. I am a first time goat owner and learning as I go along. It started when she was in her final week of pregnancy, and continuing on now that she is a week post...
  13. amaliayosa

    something attacked my duck! HELP

    Thanks for the replies everyone, unfortunately our duck died within an hour after cleaning her up :-( It must have just been too much for her. Thanks again Amy
  14. amaliayosa

    something attacked my duck! HELP

    ****WARNING IF YOU GET GROSSED OUT EASILY DONT READ ANYMORE**** My neighbor came over to help me pick the maggots out of the wounds. oh my gosh, I have never experienced anything so utterly disgusting in my life. We found about 7-10 puncture wounds altogether all filled with maggots, there were...
  15. amaliayosa

    something attacked my duck! HELP

    Well, its been 2 days since the attack and there are still spots of blood on the towels she is sleeping on, not sure what to do, there are no local vets that will see birds. Any ideas? As I was cleaning the wounds just now I noticed that there are maggots in one of the wounds, HELP, what do I do?
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