Recent content by Amykins

  1. Amykins

    Wobbles and Bean are fighting nonstop 😞

    Hi all, I come to you with a problem. My male and female duck, Wobbles and Bean, are fighting excessively. This has never happened outside of mating. They are going at each other like they hate the other one more than anything else in the world! They NEVER used to be like this. They've been...
  2. Amykins

    Wobbles and Bean finally made Wobbeans? (Beanbles?)

    Thanks! I've been busy caring for my elderly parents. The eggs are indeed blank unfortunately 😞 But I'm just happy to have my Wobbeans back!
  3. Amykins

    Wobbles and Bean finally made Wobbeans? (Beanbles?)

    Hi all! So it's day 6, a little early I know but I'm impatient, lol. Unfortunately it looks like all 3 eggs are duds. :hmm I'll keep the incubator going a few more days just in case, but they look pretty clear to me. I think Wobbles is shooting blanks! 😂
  4. Amykins

    Wobbles and Bean finally made Wobbeans? (Beanbles?)

    Hi all, It's been ages since I've posted here, but I finally was able to access my login info after quite the digital wrestling match with BYC and my long lost email accounts of ye olde days. I hope some of my friends here are still around, I had a long, terrible struggle trying to get...
  5. Amykins

    Learning all I can about call ducks !

    Hi!!! Omg, adorable <3 As for Wobbeans, great news, the UK import officials finally cleared them for travel and we're all going to London!
  6. Amykins

    Show off your house ducks!

    If he's the only one, it's best to keep him as a house duck. He's scones to you, and will be unhappy outside all alone! You can't potty train a duck, but you can buy diapers for them. I buy mine from sew, she's the best!
  7. Amykins

    Julliiiiieeeeee! Do you have facebook? I wanna keep in touch <3

    Julliiiiieeeeee! Do you have facebook? I wanna keep in touch <3
  8. Amykins

    Show off your house ducks!

    It's official! After six months of trying, Wobbles and Bean have been cleared for import into the UK!! <3 We're finally going to be together again!
  9. Amykins

    Learning all I can about call ducks !

    In a nutshell: Calls are adorable, and they all think they're 12-feet tall, lol! They all have Little Man Syndrome :lol:
  10. Amykins

    Show off your house ducks!

    I call it Duck Napalm.
  11. Amykins

    Please Post Your Funny Duck Pictures!

    I hatched Wobbles from a show breeder a few towns over, and Bean came from a woman in Olympia
  12. Amykins

    Please Post Your Funny Duck Pictures!

  13. Amykins

    What is this Duck thinking

  14. Amykins


    I hope your neighbor offered to pay the vet bills. If it were me, they'd have a dead dog on their hands.
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