Recent content by amymitchell

  1. amymitchell

    baby chicks in the winter??

    So I'm also considering pullets?? What are your thought on this?
  2. amymitchell

    baby chicks in the winter??

    Hello everyone, I live in Ohio and just gave away my older birds who had slowed down on laying. I do not have enough space to keep more than 5-6 birds happily. My question is, can I raise day old chicks through the winter. We are gone most weekends April-Oct and I don't not have anyone who...
  3. amymitchell


    I have been treating feather loss on back sides of my hens for about 6 weeks. Vet diagnosed with mites and I treated once a week for 4 weeks with Gardstar garden and poultry dust with permethrin. I have also been dusting with DE with a duster in all cracks, walls and ground of coop. I also...
  4. amymitchell

    chickens fighting

    Thank You! I feel like thats something I can grasp and start. Feeling helpless and wore out with this. Not easy to manage this with a recently replaced hip. Going to order the peepers now. Can you find the balls at "feed stores" or strictly on line? Thanks again.
  5. amymitchell

    chickens fighting

    I keep looking for signs of rats/mice anything. I see nothing. Have checked for sharp edges with blood on them for scrapes, nothing.
  6. amymitchell

    adding a rooster

    If I decide to try the rooster, how should I integrate?
  7. amymitchell

    adding a rooster

    yes, I had searched every where for sharp edges. they re injured same areas. a game camera is an option. also my neighbors rooster is approx 2 years old, my birds will be one year in july. I'm still thinking about if their space is sufficient. Update, went out this morning, the 2 injured...
  8. amymitchell

    adding a rooster

    not sure of rooster yet, I was going to look at them tonight, I was worried also about space but Im at wits end. This has been going on for over a week. What signs of rodents could I be missing? Also I observed some of the fighting but isolated the aggressor yesterday and woke up to a wounds...
  9. amymitchell

    chickens fighting

    any chance it could be mites? Ive looked at pics and their legs dont appear to have symptoms but could it be begining stage
  10. amymitchell

    chickens fighting

    no, I have seen zero. I have checked the coop and no eggs missing. The other hen had a head wound but they have so far not re injured her.
  11. amymitchell

    chickens fighting

    Their feed is Kaulmbach organic layer pellets, stored inside on our sun room patio porch in plastic container, check feed daily to keep at least half full in plastic feeder shown in picture.
  12. amymitchell

    chickens fighting

    should I keep the wounded one separated after the rooster? until wound healed? will the rooster peck the fresh wound?
  13. amymitchell

    adding a rooster

    I posted a different thread regarding my hens fighting. Ive tried separation and integration. Ive had it. considering a rooster for the first time. need input on how to add him. neighbor has 3 friendlies she is willing to give me one.
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