Recent content by andieschicks

  1. andieschicks

    Chicken filled with ammonia smelling fluid?!?!?!

    Thank you. Reading about the ascites that does sound very similar to it. I'll pass the info along to those who make decisions ^_^
  2. andieschicks

    several chicks pecking butts to bloody point

    They have been isolated and we do have a red brood light. We ran out of chick feed the day before yesterday and are waiting for the next bag to get here. I can feed them protein filled foods until we get the chick food to get them more protein, it should just be another day or so. They have a...
  3. andieschicks

    Chicken filled with ammonia smelling fluid?!?!?!

    We had a 3yr old hen that was super lethargic, acting like she had an impacted egg and we were instructed to put her down. We dissected her to make sure we had the right idea of what was wrong, and she basically exploded with an ammonia smelling fluid. Her large intestines were filled with what...
  4. andieschicks

    several chicks pecking butts to bloody point

    We have 55 chicks in a 8'x16' brooder (they're about a month old) and we have 7 of them that have had their butts pecked to the point of bloodiness or one has been plucked bald on the butt. What could cause them to be doing this? We haven't sexed them, but from looking at them it looks like all...
  5. andieschicks

    Chicken lethargic and can't stand

    Really? Thank you, I'll talk to my boss about getting one done. Thanks again. :( Hopefully this will make it to where this doesn't happen again. It hurts not being able to help them when they are so wonderful.
  6. andieschicks

    Chicken lethargic and can't stand

    We actually JUST lost her, she was alive when I started posting but didn't make it to the end of the post. I want to make sure that it isn't something that is contagious, we have 400 chickens on our farm and we can't afford to lose them. Monday one of our chickens was acting wrong. She was...
  7. andieschicks

    Should I be worried?

    Lol forgot to congratulate you chickenlver2013. Now my update, lol, took FOREVER, like 5 more attempts, and my father-in-law buying me an incubator for my b-day but 9 out of 11 out so far XD XD XD XD XD XD ^_^ Thanks everyone!!!!
  8. andieschicks

    Is Bedding Needed in the Incubator?! HELP!

    lol took FOREVER, like 4 more attempts, and my father-in-law buying me an incubator for by b-day but 9 out of 11 out so far XD XD XD XD XD XD thought I'd update those who helped me. ^_^ Thanks everyone!!!!
  9. andieschicks

    When to quit turning

    Thanks! I'm hoping this one will go well. A home made incubator with scraps was the project and I have not been successful so far. This one will be different! I have 3-5 that look good still so I'm hopeful.
  10. andieschicks

    When to quit turning

    So I'm trying again... hopefully this time I will actually have some hatch and I have 4 or 5 eggs that are looking like they are going to hatch the 22nd... or that is the day they should hatch. My incubator has been a little cool the entire time and the chicks are still alive, growing, and...
  11. andieschicks

    Incubators Anonymous

    I used the wet bulb/dry bulb method towards the end... it is still a guess but a closer guess I'm investing in a hygrometer tho... too much thinking in the wet bulb/dry bulb method XD
  12. andieschicks

    Should I be worried?

    It's a home made incubator (project for an internship to make a home made incubator and have successful hatches). I'll post pics and ask how to improve it later. I pulled 9, only 3 were fertile. The other 2 look like they died when there was a power outage due to the state the embryos were in...
  13. andieschicks

    Incubators Anonymous

    Alright so my eggs were unsuccessful. The one that looked good was... just alas the lack of humidity from the snow outside caused shrink wrapping and it suffocated after pipping internally but not getting any further. It had even absorbed all the yolk and was fully ready to go. :( I know that...
  14. andieschicks

    Does light color effect incubation?

    I did an eggtopsy... the one egg DID pip internally but the super low humidity outside the incubator must have been too much and it shrink wrapped and suffocated. Looks like it happened in the middle of the night last night when I wasn't able to get to it since the air sack was a lot bigger...
  15. andieschicks

    Should I be worried?

    I ended up pulling tonight. It has been snowing a LOT and the temp in the incubator dropped way too low for too long. I think it got down to 80 for a few hours and I toiled for a WHILE trying to get the temp up, but it took too long. I did an eggtopsy... the one egg DID pip internally but the...
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