Recent content by Animal Ark

  1. Animal Ark

    Quail Sticky Topics index

    Thanks! This is great!:goodpost:
  2. Animal Ark

    Are King/Bobwhite Quail legal?

    Okay thank you, thank you, thank you!:celebrate
  3. Animal Ark

    Chicken breeds for Incubating And Raising Quail Chicks

    Well,as the person above said, it may not be safe to hatch quail under chickens, BUT if you do, please remove the Quail as soon as you realize they are hatched. I believe that the best chicken breed for hatching other birds is the Silkie Bantams. They are very broody and are often used to hatch...
  4. Animal Ark

    Are King/Bobwhite Quail legal?

    Sorry I accidentally posted without finishing! :caf Thank you! I will look into Corturnix Qail, but are they legal in my state?
  5. Animal Ark

    Are King/Bobwhite Quail legal?

    Thank you!
  6. Animal Ark

    Are King/Bobwhite Quail legal?

    I live in Arizona, and I would like to purchase some Bobwhite or King Quail. But I don't really know if they are legal. Can someone help me please? Thanks in advance!:D
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