Recent content by annmarie

  1. annmarie

    How to use galvanized waterer?

    Thank you, thank you, and thank you! I think I understand what you're all explaining. I'll make another attempt at it this afternoon!
  2. annmarie

    How to use galvanized waterer?

    It is a really big one. She does have some buckets around so I bet she fills the buckets and adds water that way. Thank you both!
  3. annmarie

    How to use galvanized waterer?

    Ah ha! Thank you! So it is okay to carry it to the water spigot by that handle on top then, correct?
  4. annmarie

    How to use galvanized waterer?

    I feel really silly asking this, I'm not a newbie, but I've never used one of the traditional galvanized chicken waterers, and I'm taking care of a friend's chickens and that's what she uses. It's a very large one, and it appears to be sitting on maybe a heated base. It has a handle on the...
  5. annmarie

    Scaly leg mites affecting only a few chickens?

    Can scaly leg mites affect only a few chickens and not the others? I have 4 chickens right now. Two are 4 years old, two are only 1 1/2 years old. The two older hens are showing signs of scaly leg mites but the younger ones look fine. Is this possible? Would I treat all four, even though...
  6. annmarie

    nutritional deficiency? arthritis? any guesses? (not worms!)

    Thank you, I've never used nutri-drench. I would assume it's okay for the hens that are laying to drink it too, right?
  7. annmarie

    nutritional deficiency? arthritis? any guesses? (not worms!)

    Thanks for responding. She really seems to have everyone stumped. Is there some kind of multivitamin I could give her that might help her if it's a deficiency of some sort?
  8. annmarie

    nutritional deficiency? arthritis? any guesses? (not worms!)

    I've posted about this particular hen a few times already, the last time I posted worms were suggested and it made sense to me, so I wormed my whole flock and still the poor girl is not well. I'll answer all these questions and I'd love to hear some suggestions by some of our very knowledgeable...
  9. annmarie

    How to make runs less parasite friendly?

    Thank you. I suppose if I had to de-worm once a year it wouldn't be the worst thing. Would covering the bottom of the run with sand also help? I would think so.
  10. annmarie

    How to make runs less parasite friendly?

    I just got done de-worming my chickens for the first time ever. I'm very happy I've done it as I've lost 2 in the past year, and one appeared to be headed in the same direction. I'm about 99% sure worms were the problem, however, I'd like to not have to do that twice a year, or even once a year...
  11. annmarie

    Ivermectin pour-on directions please!!!

    I bought Ivermectin Pour-on for cattle. This is the right stuff, correct? Can someone please let me know how to do this. Is four drops on the nape of the neck right? How will I see that four drops have hit their skin? This isn't something I can just add to their water is it? I need to...
  12. annmarie

    Wazine follow-up?

    Thank you so much! Is there also a 14 day "throw away the eggs" period after the second wormer? (in your case, zimectrin)
  13. annmarie

    Wazine follow-up?

    Thanks. I forgot BYC has a better search function than the "Google search" at the top of the page. It sounds like the popular follow-up is Ivermectin. (not sure if I spelled that right) I guess pour on or paste is both okay. I suppose I'll go with that after 14 days. I know I need to toss...
  14. annmarie

    Wazine follow-up?

    *Bump* (Sorry, I know that's BYC taboo, but I really need to know how to proceed with this worming procedure, and there's just no way to make worming questions sexy enough to attract attention!)
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