Recent content by Apocalypse

  1. Apocalypse

    Oldest egg you've ever hatched?

    Yeah, I do the same thing. Pack incubator with old eggs and toss any duds 10 days in or so... Fill up the spots with fresh eggs and do a staggered hatch. Well I've done it the most recent time out of three... It worked well and I'm planning the same thing this round.
  2. Apocalypse

    Oldest egg you've ever hatched?

    Just wondering how far back people are successfully going. My record so far is 2 weeks. Trying for 3 weeks now... Extra room so why not right? I am finding a direct correlation between egg age and birth weight. Interested to see if they catch up when reaching adulthood.
  3. Apocalypse

    Town of babylon code 106-14

    Looking at the name of the bylaw it seems to imply 100 feet just from neighbours dwellings. Do you have a spot on your property that is 100feet from anyone elses house? Maybe you can get permissions from those neighbouring dwellings?
  4. Apocalypse

    Town of babylon code 106-14

    100' of YOUR house? or does that just apply to neighbouring dwellings? Ours is 20 feet from owners house, 50 feet from others houses.
  5. Apocalypse

    What the toe? (Chicken has a extra toe???)

    A picture is worth a thousand words...
  6. Apocalypse

    Mealworm farming questions

    still dont understand why there are 3 drawers? Do both top drawers have screen bottoms? top drawer for beetles right? bottom for eggs and thus worms... what the heck is the other drawer for?
  7. Apocalypse

    Mealworm farming questions

    I never understood why there were 3 drawers...
  8. Apocalypse

    birds in urban ontario

    I'm in Woodstock Ontario and our chicken laws are: coop 20 feet from your house, 50 feet from neighbours house. No limit to roosters. It's pretty much chicken owner heaven here and the only reason I even consider living in this city. I have 13 birds right now. It was supposed to be 5... but...
  9. Apocalypse

    Altsteirer in white, wildbrown and some other interessting colours

    Love all this information, I am working on maintaining a flock here... One of my best layers- one of the only that laid all through winter for me. I'm getting 5-6 eggs a week per hen.
  10. Apocalypse

    Anyone ever buy and use a coop from tractor supply?

    those coops in store are made with hobby/craft lumber and are made to look good on a shelf but, by no means will they accomodate the amount of chickens they claim, for any significant amount of time. They are more like indoor serama cages. Building your own is rediculously easy, and much...
  11. Apocalypse

    How to keep rooster from crowing??

    No crow collar... look up the reveiws. Some people like it, some say it isn't effective enough. I live dead centre of my city... 2 roosters. 1 makes me cringe a little, the other has a weird short, 2 tone crow that really can't be heard. I think it depends on your crow and your neighbours.
  12. Apocalypse

    Is this rumour true

    Well, I guess it depends on the level of drumming, but my 12 year old has made my glass of water jounce and jiggle and spill. Developing blood vessels are delicate things. Who knows? Maybe they will all hatch, and the chicks will crave heavy metal... The funny thing about scientific fact...
  13. Apocalypse

    Is this rumour true

    Yes absolutely. it can shred developing vessels. Put a glass of water down on a table near a guy playing drums and watch. Pfft. Drummers. Don't get me started.
  14. Apocalypse

    Did my chicken kill my chicks...or something else?

    Are there exit wounds on both birds? I would expect more feathers strewn around for a predator. Actually in retrospect, that looks like a potential failed carry-off by a bird of prey. Their talons pinch/pierce from both sides like that, and no meat would be taken yet. Do you have hawks or...
  15. Apocalypse

    Did my chicken kill my chicks...or something else?

    That looks like a .22 to me but who knows. I have a bunch of pellets from a pellet gun shot into the side of my shed and coop, and it's from one of 3 houses facing my backyard... so yes, people are sick and will do that sort of thing.
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