Recent content by AquaCluck

  1. A

    Ideas on End of Toe Bumblefoot Treatment

    Vetricin spray. Love that stuff, you could try that. It's liquid in a squirt bottle. It's annoying to apply several times a day but it's not ointment so there's no "goo" for things to stick to. I had a hed who had the back of her head basically pecked off. The hole was the size of a...
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    Injured Turkey - Can see her lung and inside her chest cavity WARNING:graphic picture

    Wow...he has very small spurs, more like lumps than anything pointy but I didn't think about his claws. He hasn't show any mating behavior either but since she just started laying and they're the same age maybe that it what happened. Ugh. Good thing he's super mellow. I'll have to keep an...
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    Injured Turkey - Can see her lung and inside her chest cavity WARNING:graphic picture

    UPDATE: Put a t shirt on her, put in the dog pen in the garage, gave her food, a heater and kept her clean. She is healing up beautifully! Since she's less than a year old that helps with cell production etc. I didn't take her to the vet. I looked at it Monday morning and it was already...
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    Injured Turkey - Can see her lung and inside her chest cavity WARNING:graphic picture

    It's the sedation. Holding down a 45 lb bird and suturing under her wing would take some serious restraint. Since it's into the thorax I think I'd rather sedate than wrestle.
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    Injured Turkey - Can see her lung and inside her chest cavity WARNING:graphic picture

    That's the crazy part of it. No obvious attack. All the other chickens are fine and who would go for the huge turkey when there are tasty little hens every. Plus the area is completely enclosed. Part in the barn covered with wire and outside covered with head duty deer netting. The only...
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    Turkey Shelter

    My turkeys were free range until a few weeks ago. They preferred perching outside to staying in the shelter silly birds. Even in snowy icy weather. Right now they're in a large double sized horse stall with a door to an outside chain link dog kennel. Hoping to get them more luxurious...
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    Not sure what that is....what does it say on the package? Don't give to animals about to be butchered? Or not for food animals?
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    Turkey Size - Does it matter?

    I'd like to see everyone's opinions about turkey size. Do the "food" birds really get to big? How big is too big? I read a lot of contrasting information before purchasing my turkeys and curious about personal experience from turkey owners. I have two broad breasted whites. The feed store...
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    Let's See Your Bearded Turkey Hens

    This is my Momo. Can't see her beard right now. All that black stuff is dirt. She was really enjoying her dirt bath. She would sit on my shoulder and nestle her head in my hair when she was a chick or take naps in my lap. She comes when I call and really, really, really likes treats...
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    Official BYC Poll: The Worst Predator

    Lost two to a racoon years ago. Lost more to dogs. :(
  11. A

    Dog got my duck

    I've pulled a few hens through amazing injuries but it was treating them with vetricin several times a day and keeping them in my bathroom until they healed. Longest was Dotty at 5 weeks of special care. Birds can pull through a lot and live with scares and such but it's a long term...
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    UTI in bunny

    Is she drinking and does she have a fever? If she's drinking, peeing and not lethargic or feverish you're usually safe to wait a few days to take her in. But I would still definitely get her checked. In mammals not eating drinking and lethargy are big warning signs there's a bad...
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    Injured Turkey - Can see her lung and inside her chest cavity WARNING:graphic picture

    Finally spoke to a vet. He said it definitely needs to be sutured and he said the healing and resilience of birds is amazing so don't despair. Keep it clean, keep her quiet, bring her in Monday first thing. He also suggested the emergency vet but we discussed my concern they don't deal with...
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    Injured Turkey - Can see her lung and inside her chest cavity WARNING:graphic picture

    My Heritage White turkey pet Momo is injured under her wing. We found it tonight. She did not seem to be injured a few hours ago. Do not know what happened. We just moved so this is a new pen for her and our other birds. One tom turkey and bunch of chickens. Most of them were raised...
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    Hello from New Zealand

    A kiwi! hooray! And never think there's a fence your chickens can't scale. They're....impressive once they start thinking and decide they wanna go somewhere. Welcome. :)
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