Recent content by aria7

  1. aria7

    Review by 'aria7' in article 'The Chick Inn'

    This coop is so pretty and functional!!! :love
  2. aria7

    HELP!! I found an abandoned duck egg outside… what do I do??

    Yes I will try taking pics tonight so it can be seen better.
  3. aria7

    Thank you so much! I’m happy to be here :D

    Thank you so much! I’m happy to be here :D
  4. aria7

    HELP!! I found an abandoned duck egg outside… what do I do??

    I found an abandoned duck egg outside. (I live near a canal with ducks so it’s definitely a duck egg plus it had duck poop on it). I tried looking for the nest but couldn’t find any around. I waited to see if the mother would come around but nothing happened. I then touched the egg to see if it...
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