Recent content by ArizonaSky

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    Washing eggs question

    I give a lot of mine away, and have told people that they're fresh and safe to keep unrefrigerated for a few weeks (if they want). A few of my friends who buy get Eggsland's Best. I get the empty cartons. What is different about them? I make my dog's food, so he gets eggs. I love baking, and...
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    Washing eggs question

    I have wondered about this myself. I lucked out BIG TIME, and all 14 lay in the laying boxes with me as Mama hen. The boxes are always clean (yay)! They make cute little nests from the straw, and it gets changed twice a week. I rarely have anything other than a bit of straw or a tiny feather on...
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    Places where roosters can crow

    And THAT is what America is supposed to be! My rooster starts crowing (I believe) when he hears me talking to DH over my my morning coffee in the garden at 4 am usually. DH has to be t o work at 5. This morning, we slept in and I woke the chickens letting them out at 6:30. No one has said...
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    Any ways to get a rooster to stop crowing?

    It's an education when looking to see if I can gain insight about my rooster's crowing. I think he does it if he hears my voice! A quick fix for that! 😉 Is it likely? He shuts up *usually* when he can see me, too.
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    Places where roosters can crow

    I can't add much to the above post, other than much of the US is still rural. So, your chances of finding an agricultural area is very good. I retired and bought a small parcel last year. My health told me an acre was enough. I found one zoned agricultural, allowing chickens and up to two...
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    When do they begin laying? My experience

    I have been fortunate. With the exception of 3 stray eggs, all were in the laying boxes with me as Mama. It's interesting too, the eggs with soft or no shells were laid on the poop board (except twice). Do they know the egg isn't complete beforehand? Now we shall see how long this lasts with...
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    Meat for chickens; yes or no??

    I gave mine the leftover shrimp last week. They didn't turn their beaks up at it.
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    When do they begin laying? My experience

    Week 28- Everyone is laying regularly now!
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    Bantams afraid of a sunflower head

    I just put a sunflower head on the ground. They are trying to figure out if they want it. I pulled a few seeds out and layed them next to the flower.
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    Volunteer sunflower

    I just put one of my sunflowers out for my gaggle. They're trying to figure out if they want it. I had to show them that it's seeds.
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    How do you spoil your chickens?

    I do that, too. The wet feed is considered a treat to them. If I am late, my rooster calls to remind me!
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    When do they begin laying? My experience

    Week 24- no change, except there have been no soft shells this week. Some of the non layers are now spending time in the boxes.
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    Feeding Eggs

    That's what I have started doing. I scramble several to add to the batch. It makes it last longer. His food looks a lot like fried rice now. He loves it!
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    When do they begin laying? My experience

    I have seen several questions about when to expect laying to begin, and when other hens start after the first. Here is my experience with a flock of 14 pullets of 5 different breeds. All are the same age. Age Week 20- one white egg from a leghorn. Week 21- 3 eggs daily, 2 of my RIR and or BO's...
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