Recent content by Aschenfire

  1. Aschenfire

    Everyone Post Your Pigeon Pics!!!!!

    Thank you! I am excited about the upcoming babies. I'll post pics once they are hatched :)
  2. Aschenfire

    Everyone Post Your Pigeon Pics!!!!!

    Hi! I have a pair of Fairy Swallows and a pair of white-tailed blue diamond doves. Here is my Swallow pair. They are sitting on a clutch of eggs right now (laid the first one Friday and the second one today), so I am hoping to have babies in the first week of February :D Yes, the cock birds...
  3. Aschenfire

    Capuchine Pigeons wanted!!! (please with a cherry on top)

    I am searching for a pair of Capuchine pigeons, color not that important, but I'd like nice starter birds that will hopefully produce pretty babies to show. I live in Austin Texas, so if there are any Texas breeders on BYC, that'd be great. Otherwise, I'd be fine with having birds shipped to...
  4. Aschenfire

    D'uccle Thread

    My birds and I are back from the weekend show. We did pretty well, considering their young age (4 months old and molting like crazy) The two black mottled boys took Best of Variety and Reserve Best of Variety, and my little blue mille got a blue ribbon. He was the only blue mille, so no...
  5. Aschenfire

    D'uccle Thread

    Such personalities too! I go out and if I do ANYthing they disapprove of, they growl/screech at me. Just like grumpy old men complaining. But they are super sweet. I have to keep them off my feet when I go into the run to feed and such :D
  6. Aschenfire

    D'uccle Thread

    Here are my three D'Uccle boys, in all their molting glory (seriously... they are dropping tails right before next weeks show. Gonna look like rumpless D'Uccles) These guys are still just under 4 months old, so very much babies. Myles (the blue mille fleur) Marquis (black mottled)...
  7. Aschenfire

    D'uccle Thread

    I am just getting around to checking forums and such.... MStricer, I loaned my incubator out, and not planning to hatch any more for a while, BUT perhaps in spring when I am getting that itch to put eggs in for hatching, I will look you up! I love the three boys I got from your eggs, and they...
  8. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Very pretty boy! Congrats! And yogurt cups... hmmm I have to eat more yogurt before the last weekend of this month. Taking four Serama pullets and three D'Uccle boys to a show and I was going to go buy some small bowls for show coops... I can kill two birds with one stone with YOGURT!!!
  9. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Just sharing something pretty cool. Here are photos of my 2 month old cockerel, Cayenne, and also pics of his Daddy (Blaise) when Blaise was around the same age and then again at about 5 or 6 months. Think the little man will look anything like his Dad when he gets older? :D I love the pattern...
  10. Aschenfire

    D'uccle Thread

    I will get as many pictures as I can. I need to find my camera's come up missing >.< The boys are looking really pretty though, and growing up to be sweet young men. The three of them live with three of my same-age Serama pullets, and they all get along amazingly well. I am...
  11. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    What a handsome little man!
  12. Aschenfire

    D'uccle Thread

    Well, my boys I hatched from Mstricer's eggs are going to their first show on the 31st! They are still super young, will only be about 4 1/2 months old at the show date, but I think it will be good to get them out and get some experience under their little belts! Also taking my four oldest...
  13. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    Caged show? Hopefully he will "turn on" and pose by himself in his cage just because of the strange place and all the other birds. There won't be a lot you can do to make him pose if it is a caged show only, but perhaps a bit of handling now to build confidence would be a tiny help. Play music...
  14. Aschenfire

    American serama thread!

    YES! This is the one who just had little "sticklike" feathers. I had a feeling it was going to be silkied. So far it is looking like four for sure girls, the one for sure boy, and one confusing one. We'll has a little more comb than the four girls but not as much as Crais has. They...
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