Recent content by ashlkfnl

  1. ashlkfnl

    What is digging by my coop?

    Hello! So recently I have noticed a number of small holes all around my coop! They don’t seem to be going anywhere, just holes. There is dirt everywhere and these holes are becoming a nuisance. I noticed them about a month and thought it was the dog or squirrels. Please help!
  2. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    i’ll see what i can do! thank you so so much for all your help.
  3. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    sounds good. i guess i’ll let it run through my flock, whatever it is. i’ve lost 4 chickens to it, so i don’t think there is much i can do. maybe start new when they’re all gone. :( thank you for your help!!!
  4. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior
  5. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    i made a thread about her illness and death a while ago, it should be on my page.
  6. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    i said she was two years old. i’m not sure if she’s laying because it’s been pretty hot here. egg production is down. haven’t noticed any shell issues. the last chicken that died was in may or june, so she had just turned two in may. i didnt see any egg quality issues. she had her tail down, sad...
  7. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    yep. she caught a few bugs and ran away with them but that’s the extent of what she did outside. i picked her up a few times and she was kind of stinky. super light, maybe weighs 1 1/2 pounds. she’s two years old. came to me for treats but didn’t do her usual loud clucking and jumping, just...
  8. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    she went outside with the others when i let them out, but just kind of stood around, she scratched a bit in the dirt and was eating grass but for the most part looked disinterested
  9. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    sluggish, doesn’t run away when i go to pick her up, eating and drinking. crop feels gritty but squishy.
  10. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    The pictures I attached in my last reply were from last night. Sorry they didn’t go through. I checked on her when I got home from work and this is what her comb looked like.
  11. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    I saw her in the nesting box two days ago. I thought I attached a pic of her comb but it didn’t go through. I haven’t checked her crop. Her abdomen isn’t bloated right now, she’s so skinny. I checked her and didn’t see any mites or lice, and her vent looked fine. She’s been running after bugs...
  12. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    I saw her in the nesting box two days ago. I thought I attached a pic of her comb but it didn’t go through. I haven’t checked her crop. Her abdomen isn’t bloated right now, she’s so skinny. I checked her and didn’t see any mites or lice, and her vent looked fine. She’s been running after bugs...
  13. ashlkfnl

    purple comb discoloration, underweight, no appetite, strange behavior

    hey, so i noticed my hen’s (who’s name is chicken, so creative i know) usually erect pretty comb had flopped over. then the next day, i noticed it had white splotches on it. then i noticed it had purple edges. so i went to go check on chicken, who is at the top of the pecking order, and she...
  14. ashlkfnl

    I guess I have a rooster now!

    Are you implying I should have killed him?
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