
My husband and I have started a garden that really took off this year and wanted to get chicks to raise for eggs. Now we're hooked! They're our other babies! Two beautiful cats, Lucy & Iseult, 3 RIRs: Chanticlere (rooster), River & Strawberry; and 4 BRs: Onyx (pictured), Rocky, (black) Pearl & Ninja. Need a couple (or three) more girls to keep my Rooster happy and all the girls healthy.
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Just got our first 10 baby chicks EVER on March 2, 2023, and everybody was great until Saturday, the 11th. One of my RIR girls was injured all of a sudden. We are so new at this, and need help. I don't think it's splayed leg because she was fine for over a week. We just splinted it but she still won't walk so we're just beside ourselves. She eats and drinks and we give her yolk with a pipet and make sure she's eating and drinking. She hobbles to get food.




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