Recent content by AtropineCaffein

  1. AtropineCaffein

    Free range ducks?

    I have a yard with a 1.5 acre pond. Once my ducks found the pound, they wouldn't come back to the run. They are permanently free range now. We have to keep them from the road with the "umbrella of doom" :D One drake did get run over. :( We have had predation--raccoons at night and coyotes...
  2. AtropineCaffein

    Two Drakes and a Hen...

    Truly, I have played with how many ducks to drakes and the ratio REALLY REALLY needs to be 1 drake to 4-5 or more ducks. At one point we had 6 drakes to about 15 ducks and that was NOT enough. We had to cull a bunch of drakes to keep the ducks from getting killed. They had also set their...
  3. AtropineCaffein

    Almost 100% Muck Free Brooder

    It's a good thing ducklings are cute because they can muck up a brooder in 37 seconds flat . This design might have been discovered by others already, I don't get to the forums as often as I should, but this is what I have found that really honestly keeps a brooder almost completely muck free...
  4. AtropineCaffein

    May I show off my mutt ducks? :)

    I was thinking about starting a breeding program.
  5. AtropineCaffein

    May I show off my mutt ducks? :)

    These are from a clutch of 21 eggs I found out of my ducks (appleyard, cayuga, runner,saxony, "white layer"). 8 hatched. 4 look like swedish (not sure why, I have no swedish) BUT 4 look quite different and very pretty, especially the drakes. They have dark chocolate heads, brown laced...
  6. AtropineCaffein

    Ducks have "hairball"?! Help

    I have eight GORGEOUS (I will try to post a pic--they have laced feathers and come in slate grey and a brown grey). mutt ducks that were hatched out of a runner boy and a white layer (we think. I found a nest of 21 eggs, 8 incubated and hatched). They are about 3 months old. This morning they...
  7. AtropineCaffein

    Warring Duck Factions-Advice Wanted

    Thanks all. The factions started before the hens were broody. I think it was too many drakes at the time who divided the flock. I got rid of all but three drakes. I don't want to go too much lower as we have had a predator problem and I want to make sure at least one drake makes it. We will...
  8. AtropineCaffein

    Warring Duck Factions-Advice Wanted

    Hello All...any advice welcome. Sorry this is long--much like international politics, this is complicated. Last spring we bought a group of ducklings. We were too male-heavy, so we bought a second group of all female ducklings a couple months later. We also got rid of three males. We lost...
  9. AtropineCaffein

    Pure Saxony and Runner Drakes

    Ack, no sorry! I am not sure how to delete this.
  10. AtropineCaffein

    Worth starting a breeding program for green eggs?

    So your anconas have green eggs? I don't have that breed, do you know which of these breeds that I have might be laying them: saxony, runner (though i think she is laying the light blue eggs), silver appleyard, cayuga (though i don't think so as her eggs were white with a dark bloom, and these...
  11. AtropineCaffein

    Worth starting a breeding program for green eggs?

    Thank you!! I thought it was gorgeous. And a bit of surprise :) I have five eggs in the incubator right now, praying for 4 hens and 1 drake ;) I noticed the cayugas lightened up quickly. These seem to be holding steady so far. I am not sure of the 4 breeds I have which one this is. I do...
  12. AtropineCaffein

    Does getting Rid of Drakes Improve Egg Production?

    Thank you! Interestingly, our flock has split in two since three of the drakes were removed! They don't bicker between or within groups, and things are much more quiet, but one flock has two drakes, one has three (we had a big flock). There is a lot less mating going on. The flock is not as...
  13. AtropineCaffein

    Worth starting a breeding program for green eggs?

    I have a few different breeds. One of the ladies (not sure who, may be more than one) lays pale blue tinted eggs (which is pretty, but also pretty common). However, I also have someone who is laying more green (though not quite olive) colored eggs. Even when the bloom is rubbed off, you still...
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