Recent content by autumn_mi

  1. autumn_mi

    Isa At The Fair 2010

    Lonna is showing Isa at the 2010 Genesee County Fair. Cleaned up and ready to show Isa after her bath Showing Blue ribbon eggs Princess Costume Contest All the Cloverbuds in Showmanship
  2. autumn_mi

    Getting Started Fall 2009

    Just getting started on this chicken raising thing. Sept 10, 2009 we bought three 18-20 weeks old pullets These are our girls, a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Australorp, and an ISA Brown This pic is the first night....we got them out of the cat carriers and into the coop without...
  3. autumn_mi


    Currently we have…. Isa - ISA Brown -hatched April 2009- (started our flock Sept 10, 2009 - 18 weeks old) Marshmallow - Araucana - hatched June 2012- Brownie - Araucana - hatched June 2012- Lacy - Silver Laced Wyandotte Isa - ISA Brown Goldie - Golden Laced Wyandotte Fluffy -...
  4. autumn_mi

    Autumn Mis Page

    In search of the perfect omelet... . Working on construction of the first coop Aug 2009. The girls made the paper!!! - The Flint Journal Feb 7, 2010 We are north of Flint, Michigan and just getting started on this chicken raising thing. I will try to update these pages so others can...
  5. Our Chicken Tractor 1

    Our Chicken Tractor 1

    Step 1 - start with a playhouse Below are some details of the construction of our chicken stuff The tools we used.... J clips (for rabbit cages) worked great to put the cage part together. Used a soldering Iron to cut off plastic buckets for water and feed bases - also to quickly...
  6. autumn_mi

    My barred rock roo has a boo-boo from molting.

    My concern would be the other hens pecking at him making it worse. My understanding is chickens will peck at anything red (blood) even to the point of cannibalism. So if there is a way to separate him till it heals that would help. We had an egg bound hen who after we helped her pass the egg...
  7. autumn_mi

    Scaly leg mites! I've tried everything!!

    I would also like to know how to apply the Campho. After doing a few searches on here this morning I decided to try the Campho as a first treatment. Well I just got back from Rite Aid and am not sure how to apply the stuff. The only thing they had was 3/4oz bottle with no applicator. I was...
  8. autumn_mi

    Blood on eggs

    I am also wondering at what point do you need to worry about smeared blood on the eggs? We got a bloody egg yesterday from our Silver Laced Wyandotte after at least 2 weeks of not laying (she is 9 months). 2 weeks ago we had to kill our Australorp after she became egg bound and i'm wondering if...
  9. autumn_mi

    quarantine time for a small flock (2+2=4)

    Cool - Thanks pat b4 reading up on it here and seeing 30-90 day recommendations - i was thinking a week in the garage to make sure they "looked" ok so depending on how the week goes - maybe i'll keep them longer to be safe or put them together at that point for simplicity . Partly I feel bad...
  10. autumn_mi

    quarantine time for a small flock (2+2=4)

    OK - I doubled our flock size today (sounds more impressive than just saying i bought 2 chickens) I am wondering if i really need to do the 30+ day quarantine. I don't want my 2 current birds to get something but at the same time it is not like i have a large flock to worry about -so wondering...
  11. autumn_mi

    dead chickens walking **UPDATE (graphic)**

    they didn't get names. it made it a lot easier. and occasionally i would call them things like dumplings or tenders or roast. it helped remind me that they had a purpose and i couldn't get attached. I like that idea - i know we will need to call them something...not that our hens have that...
  12. autumn_mi

    Deviled eggs

    we do mayo , mustard and a little sugar with homemade/ground paprika
  13. autumn_mi

    dead chickens walking **UPDATE (graphic)**

    Quote: I was surprised by that transformation - we butchered our first bird tonight. sad because it was one of our hens rather than a meat bird raised knowing it will be dinner. we spent a good 45 min cutting her was like surgery - trying to make sure we cut the right parts and...
  14. autumn_mi

    One of my ladies died today

    sorry for your loss - glad u were able to put her to rest We lost one out of our flock of three today - and although in our house we look at them as somewhere between pets and livestock - i am very emotional over it RockwaterFarm - our Bas was egg bound too. We discovered it Friday and spent...
  15. autumn_mi

    What causes a hen to get egg bound?

    It has been a long weekend and I'm wondering if anyone know what causes this? I don't want to go through this with another hen if there is anything i can do to prevent it. We have had chickens just 5 months and this is our first real problem..... Our Bas (Black Australorp) became egg bound...
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