Recent content by AwlOrganikLizz

  1. AwlOrganikLizz

    Christmas present from my Cayuga.

    Awesome, I'd love to have more... eventually. Good thing I saved the black shell! Haha. That's an awesome picture! Great reference.
  2. AwlOrganikLizz

    Mallard duck nesting

    Is it possible she is hiding them? Reason I ask is because I have read that a lot... also one of my birds used to use her nest, but then went and made her own and I had to hunt for them. lol!
  3. AwlOrganikLizz

    Christmas present from my Cayuga.

    YAY YAY YAY!!! FINALLY my Cayuga hen laid her first egg... I've been waiting for months with anticipation... and on Christmas she finally laid her first egg. So happy with my Tobi bird. I have never had duck eggs :) Also a question for those with Cayuga, do the eggs stay black/grey? With each...
  4. AwlOrganikLizz

    Sudden death

    Hello everyone thank you for your replies. I had never gotten an egg from her, she was 8/9 months old. Sooooo.... maybe? Her first egg came along and it was too much for her, perhaps? Because of her size I wasn't expecting eggs for quite some time. If ever? She was so little, her body could fit...
  5. AwlOrganikLizz

    Sudden death

    Hello... very sad morning for me. My sweetest, most loving little hen passed away unexpectedly. She was a black silkie, vaccinated, VERY LITTLE. Almost like she never grew or matured passed 5 months. But otherwise, a healthy little chicken. Ate, drank, got along with the big birds, just like any...
  6. AwlOrganikLizz

    When will my ladies lay?

    Hi all! First time duck owner here. I have a cayuga (maybe a mix, got her from an assorted bunch) and a blue swedish. They're 7-8 months old now. Just wondering when they'll lay? If there is a time they typically start laying... it has recently gotten cold here so I'm not expecting much. But...
  7. AwlOrganikLizz


    Thanks!! Can I get that at any farm store, ya think?
  8. AwlOrganikLizz


    Sorry all I'm in bit of a panic... my big-combed hens have frostbite, I believe I caught it early (it's white?) and I put petroleum jelly on them cause that's all I could find to do in that moment. This happened overnight, I haven't let them out today cause the air outside is cold and wet...
  9. AwlOrganikLizz

    Found kitten. What do I do?

    Can anyone tell me how often a kitten this age is supposed to poo? She hasn't gone yet. I've had her for about 4-5 hours. She was interested in the food/formula and water, but I wanted to give her some space so I'm not sure if shes eaten it on her own yet.
  10. AwlOrganikLizz

    Found kitten. What do I do?

    Thanks!! You all are a lot of help! She's very curious. She is really really tiny... I don't know if kittens are normally this tiny at this age, I've only ever had big kittens or adults. This is a new experience but I'm hoping she'll make a wonderful addition to the farmily.
  11. AwlOrganikLizz

    Found kitten. What do I do?

    Thanks! Yes I'm planning on keeping her.... if my man will let me. He's gone hunting so I'm nervous about his reaction when he gets home hahah. But how could he say no to this face.... But if that fails I'll raise her until I can find a good home for her. There's good people around that would...
  12. AwlOrganikLizz

    Found kitten. What do I do?

    Hello all! Today has been eventful, when I was walking back up to the house from playing with the chickens I stumbled upon this kitten. Well a litter of kittens, but the others ran. This one walked up to me (slowly and suspiciously), let me pick her up, laid right in my arms. She was shivering...
  13. AwlOrganikLizz

    Layer questions.

    Yay! Omelet time. Thank you, you two!
  14. AwlOrganikLizz

    Layer questions.

    Thank you! I have another, I can't remember where I read it but said that you can't eat an egg that's soiled. Well when I first discovered the eggs (3) from my leghorn she had buried them in the coop. So it's pretty safe to assume they touched some poop. I kept them in hopes they were okay to...
  15. AwlOrganikLizz

    Layer questions.

    Hello again! Thank you all for answering my silly questions.. but I have a few more. 1. One (white leghorn) has been laying every day around 10:45am. She lays in the feeder... I asked advise on this earlier and I got an answer to put the fake ceramic eggs in the boxes. I did! Gave it two...
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