Recent content by b-cuz

  1. b-cuz

    B Cuzs Page

    Mr. Roo. He keeps watch over the flock and goes eye to eye with Daisy, our 5 yr. old Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie) through the fence. Daisy loves to terrorize the chicks, but Roo lowers his head and looks like he'd like to get a-hold of Daisy with his spurs. The Cuz
  2. b-cuz

    what type of predator eats just the neck of a chickens?

    opossum, raccoon, or skunk are your most likely suspects. Foxes will kill everything in the pen, then eat what they want. Redtail and Coopers hawks will kill full grown chickens and eat head, neck, & sometimes part of the breast meat. I had a 3 year old Buff Orpington Roo that they killed...
  3. b-cuz

    Question about hatching Golden Comet eggs

    Good lookin' comets.
  4. b-cuz

    pine straw or cedar shavings?

    I've found that given a choice of wheat straw (which I used to use) and pine straw, the chickens prefer the nest with pine straw (needles) over the wheat straw. I, also, used to put pine shavings under the wheat straw because of the fresh smell and it didn't make my chickens sick. I have a 6'...
  5. b-cuz

    Heard of or ordered from Red Top Chick Farm???

    I saw an ad in our EMC monthly magazine for a hatchery I hadn't heard of before. Red Top Chick Farm Box 100 Marietta, PA 17547 Does anyone know about Red Top Chick Farm or have you ordered from them?
  6. b-cuz

    Question about hatching Golden Comet eggs

    Quote: I have not bred this combination, I only know what has been written on the topic on the internet in such places as these: Based on that, your second two combinations are correct...
  7. b-cuz

    Question about hatching Golden Comet eggs

    Might be too late to get any response since last post was 1/19, but I was curious as to how we know which breeds have the silver gene? Is there somewhere on the web that is a resource for chicken genetics? Another comment: in the 2009 Meyer Hatchery catalog under Golden Buff they say that the...
  8. b-cuz

    My First Build

    Looks like you're an accomplished builder to me. When do you start selling them???
  9. b-cuz

    What would a Buff Orpington and Black Australorp cross look like??

    Thank you all for the info. What I'm hearing is that they would be, as MissPrissy said, mixed breed barnyard variety or as someone in another post said, mongrel chickens. I'm not sure if I want to do that or try to keep my breeds true. We have 2 Plymouth Barred Rock x Old English Game hens...
  10. b-cuz

    What would a Buff Orpington and Black Australorp cross look like??

    I have a mixed flock, 4 Buff Orp. hens, 3 RIR hens, 2 Barred Rock/Old English Game hens, 2 Brown Leghorn hens, 2 Black Australorp hens, & 1 Buff Orp. Rooster. I was wondering what a Buff Orp/Black Australorp cross would look like. I like the attributes of both. Anyone have any? If so, any...
  11. b-cuz

    Help me pick the best Welsummer rooster

    Can't wait for the pics. I won't be able to help you pick the best due to lack of my knowledge, but I think the Welsumer is a pretty rooster. Someone told me that the original Kellogg's Corn Flakes rooster was a Welsumer. Pretty!
  12. b-cuz

    How do you all make home made Boston Baked Beans?

    Well, y'all, a Yankee friend of mine from NYC (New York City not Chicken) gave me a very good recipe for a crock pot. It's more like a dessert to me, but most Boston Baked Beans are. 1 lb . dry navy beans 1/2 lb. bacon 1/2 C molasses 1/2 C brown sugar 2-3 tsp (heaping) brown mustard 1 ea...
  13. b-cuz

    Straw vs. wood chips

    Woody pet? Is that a brand name? I'm not familiar with it. Give us some more info, please.
  14. b-cuz

    Straw vs. wood chips

    Like Michigan Chickman, I use a combo, too. I spread a thin layer of pine chips, then cover with straw both on the floor and in the nests. I use the pine chips mainly for the gooood fragrance. My neighbor across the road has a different approach. He gets busted bags of top soil, that are...
  15. b-cuz

    Egg Fertility 90% to 75% to 50% - can Roo top hens and not fertilize??

    Thanks everyone. This info helps a lot and is what I kinda figured. Yes, there were a lot of feathers 3 to 4 weeks ago. Again, thanks for the good info. I passed it on to my friend.
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