Recent content by BackYardChknLvr

  1. BackYardChknLvr


    I have a bunch of baby chicks right now, but not all are pure breeds, since i only have 2 roosters.. and i will be putting them up for sale soon.. i also have a few older babies that are about 3-4 months olddd that i am looking homes for... there Cochin/polish/silky cross's
  2. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    Polish are deffently different breeds of chickens to have for sure.. but all my polish hens are sweet hearts... one of them will perch on my foot and sit there while i walk around.. and for you having trouble with your rooster.. honestly.. once they turn you can turn them back to be sweet...
  3. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    Alright the best thing to do is with the new batch you are wanting to add in to your flock, dont just toss them in there cause that will deffently cause a fight, cause they are new and disturbing the pecking order.. the best thing is to put them in a cage or in an area that is seperate from your...
  4. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    Alright i know some have been asking for updates on my Buff hen that has been sitting on eggs she has now hatched out 3 new babies.. 2 Silver Lace Polish's and 1 Blue Andalusian... here is the first pic of the newest baby the silver lace polish... along the other polish egg that moma decided to...
  5. BackYardChknLvr

    BUY IT NOW--18+ Hatching eggs: silkies, sizzles, frilkies

    ah man i wish i could afford them right now :( I have the incubator space but... i also have 6 hens in my garage all broody and hatching babies for the last 2 months and they need more fertile eggs to sit on... now i just need to figure out how to come up with 40-50 bucks cause i really need...
  6. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    yeah thats how my silver lace roo is too... he hogs all the girls to him self i have another rooster my silky rooster, and my polish rooster will not let him have any girls, he wont even let him have his silky hen that he grew up with.. he is such a bugger....
  7. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    I would love to give pictures, but umm that mama wasnt so nice to the baby... she ummm yeah you can figure it out... i'm still letting her sit on eggs, but i think she was umm yeah to it cause it was still in the early broody stage for her, and i gave her an egg that was supposed to hatch any...
  8. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    It was hatching, got a little silver lace polish
  9. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    Well officaly my favorite Polish girl Harley is officaly broody... she is now inside with all my other broody chickens in my house.. running out of room and cages UHHHHHG! and now one of my show girls have gone broody as well.. but most the time polish's are not known to be a broody chicken but...
  10. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    Looking like a rooster to me, as the top notch are stringy and not full looking, and that is a blue Polish
  11. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    NO both are Hens
  12. BackYardChknLvr


    I live in boise and i have a few chickens i need to rehome and 2 of them are Red Indian Jungle Fouls and they are rooster .. here is a picture of what the boys will look like when they grow up They are all about 2.5 months old, and i got a few more babies that i need to get rid of as well
  13. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    all my coachins, silkies and Orphingtons are all my broody hens.. cause my polish act at times they want to sit but never do
  14. BackYardChknLvr

    Show off your roosters

    Dang that boy got some LEGS! on him!! *WHISTLES,,HUBBA HUBBA, HOWLS*
  15. BackYardChknLvr

    I have to talk POLISH!

    i am saying the same thing, the top one is looking more like a rooster.. cause one of how the notch feathers are standing and the bump on nostrils.. and the bottome is going to be a hen, as you see the notch feathers in the back are laying down a bit more and becoming more broader so the bottome...
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