Recent content by BackyardCountry

  1. BackyardCountry

    Flock of Golden Laced Wyandottes losing feathers!! Please help!

    your chickens are molting. its COMPLETELY normal, in fact expected. dont worry, they'll grow back in a couple weeks. :)
  2. BackyardCountry

    lethargic chick, not week old.

    i would give it some nutritional mash- scrambled eggs mixed with the chick feed, lots of protein. this happened to one of my chicks and she's 12 pounds now!!!!!! good luck.
  3. BackyardCountry

    My old hen is slowly dieing, how can I help her during her last days?

    This is such a painful thing...its wonderful to hear that they've become pets to you. In her final days, keep her comfortable and loved much like humans. animals can sense love and care and i think providing her with these is good. So sorry she's in pain! i send her healing!
  4. BackyardCountry

    Hemorrhage in my baby's butt!!! Graphic details!!!

    My cochin Kashi has been acting weird the last 3-4 days. Losing feathers, no appetite....the works. i picked her up today. She has lost a good 3-4 pounds and she's tiny as is. I noticed the area around her ******** was scabby and swollen. I put some gloves on and reached up and there seems...
  5. BackyardCountry

    Runny nose, watery eyes....what to do!!!!

    Porbably just a chicken cold.....poor baby! Keep her nice and warm and dry.
  6. BackyardCountry

    myster rooster

    He's probably just molting! Chickens do it around this time of year to grow a new batch of feathers.
  7. BackyardCountry

    have a problem with hen and her eggs

    She's probably getting older and laying less....sorry
  8. BackyardCountry

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    Classmate: You have chickens right? Me: Yes.... Classmate: What kind of eggs do they lay? Me: White and brown. Classmate: Do they taste any different? is what i said
  9. BackyardCountry

    help egg eating chhickens

    try putting mustard on the eggs. they dont like the taste and might stop.
  10. BackyardCountry

    Somethings wrong with her leg......

    here are some pics of the feet....
  11. BackyardCountry

    Somethings wrong with her leg......

    My one Cochin, Kashi, had been sitting in the nesting box for about four days in a row, I don't know if she was able to get to food and water....Anyways, I picked her up 2 days ago and noticed her feet were too soft....and I looked on the bottom and there were pink bulges on the...
  12. BackyardCountry

    Why do we love chickens so much?

    my chickens are my babies. i cant have kids so they are the closest thing i have but i love em. they give me love, entertainment, and wholesome food.
  13. BackyardCountry

    Rescue Chickens!

    shes a columbian wyandotte
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