Recent content by BarredBuff

  1. BarredBuff

    Best Hatchery for Broilers (and a feed question)

    Hi folks! Long time since I posted here. I'm back on the homestead now, and bringing it back to life. It's been about four years since I raised broilers. I have plans on doing it again this fall. In my sabbatical, I haven't given much thought to where I would get them. I have done some price...
  2. BarredBuff

    Corn as treat?

    Mine get a coffee can full every day or two as a treat. Doesn't have much protein value, but generates a lot of energy which will help keep them warm.
  3. BarredBuff

    Drying Out Run?

    My run gets very muddy, and I try and keep a good layer of straw on top of it. This keeps it fairly not messy, plus makes a lot of mulch for the garden.
  4. BarredBuff

    first order from cackle hatchery

    I don't know about their Delewares, but the chickens I get from them are usually nice and lay well. Don't expect breeder quality birds, because you won't get them. But you will get good, healthy chicks that will be good for eggs and meat.
  5. BarredBuff

    Should I wait before replacing a hen that has died?

    The sooner the better. I'd go on and replace her.
  6. BarredBuff

    Finally!!!! Eggs.

    Woohoo! Congratulations!
  7. BarredBuff

    First eggs WOOT!

    First eggs are the best! Congratulations!
  8. BarredBuff

    when did your pullets/chickens start laying

    My DP birds was a variety my Dominiques were first at 21 (ish) weeks, and my Delewares were last at around 30 weeks.
  9. BarredBuff

    Is it safe to feed old pasta?

    I'd feed it to them, but it may not be very nutritious. However, it will give them something to do.
  10. BarredBuff

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    A good old bucket of table scraps <----- Me The chickens ------->
  11. BarredBuff

    Looking for a good hatchery

    I like Cackle Hatchery in Missouri. I always have good luck with them.
  12. BarredBuff

    Thoughts on feeding idea...

    Yesterday, I took my geese off of free range for the first time since I got them about two years ago, and they are in a coop and run setup now. This is just for the wintertime (as we have had predator problems so far), and mating season to keep everyone safe. My geese have been very self...
  13. BarredBuff

    What sex of Cornish X Rock for beginner with meat chickens?

    I've gotten straight run, and you get a little of both. Hens don't have as many health problems in my opinion, but cockerels will weigh more. Hens will usually be less expensive too.
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