
Hello everyone! My name is Crystal, I'm a stay at home mom of 2. I homeschool my children, Keegan age 7 and Isabelle age 3 and enjoy watching them learn and experience new things. I also enjoy tending to our pets and garden, I hope to expand our coop next year but as of right now we have 10 barred rocks that are the most docile breed I've ever experienced. They do so wonderful with my children and I'm so happy I chose them. Growing up, I was around Rhode island reds and while they are beautiful, they can be a little feisty sometimes. I do hope to add some Rhode islands to my flock eventually though. I'd love to start a little homestead on our 2 acres nestled in the holler of the PA Appalachian mountains and would like to add ducks and goats next. We have 2 dogs, a German shepherd and an Alaskan malamute mixed with Great Pyrenees and a main coon kitten right now. I'm here to learn new things and gain some inspiration.
May 13, 1997 (Age: 27)
Real Name
Why do you want to join our community?
I have 10 barred rocks and enjoy learning about all different breeds and other useful information, in hopes to introduce more chicks soon.
Home maker


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    Anniversary: 1 Year

    Wow, it's been a year already!?! CONGRATS!!
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