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  1. Back To Basic Living - Feather Picking/Plucking And Cannibalism

    Back To Basic Living - Feather Picking/Plucking And Cannibalism

    Back to Basic Living Feather Picking/Plucking and Cannibalism Although not everyone experiences feather picking/plucking and/or cannibalism among their flock, it is not really a rare occurrence. When I noticed it within our flock, I immediately began researching the subject to learn all I...
  2. basicliving

    Blue Swedish, Cayuga, and Welsh Harlequin and housing - PICS ADDED!

    That is a beautiful duck house! Very nicely done. Those are some lucky ducks!
  3. basicliving


    Logansmommy - Are feathers missing from other areas of their bodies? Does the rooster have missing feathers too? If it's rooster tracks feathers will be missing from hen's back, head, neck. The back can be completely bald - you can try making chicken saddles for them if that's the case. I'm not...
  4. basicliving

    Chickens sneezing, coughing...????? NEED HELP PLEASE......

    What kind of antibiotics are you treating them with?
  5. basicliving

    strange goat question

    We don't have goats yet, but we do have chickens and dogs. A physical fence not only contains them, but helps keep predators OUT. I would be a little worried about other people's dogs, coyotes, fox, etc. getting goats that aren't fenced. Just a thought.
  6. basicliving

    Young rooster not crowing but.......ehhemm....

    Quote: Ohmygosh, Grace - that got a very loud laugh out of me this morning!!!
  7. basicliving

    What was your biggest egg ever collected? see mine!

    I got mine here
  8. basicliving

    Giving chickens multivitamins?

    I agree with the previous posters - make sure they don't have mites or lice, and up the amount of protein they are getting. I would also up the frequency and give them the Avia Charge daily.
  9. basicliving

    feather eater, pscyho or curable?

    In my signature is a link to what I wrote about my experiences with this. Not sure it will help, but it may give you a few ideas.
  10. basicliving

    7 week old chickens huddling

    Hi and ! I think it just takes a while for young chicks to get the idea about roosting. Some of my mamas get their babies up on the roost at 3 - 4 weeks old, but most sleep on the floor with them until they are around 2 months old or so. Before moving them to the coop, I'm sure your chicks...
  11. basicliving

    2 questions about my roo...egg song & mating

    I agree - your pullet is either already laying or about to start. All my roosters join in when a hen starts singing that she layed. Watching them, this is what I think - and these are my thoughts only..... When one of my hens lay, she will typically jump off the nest and run away from it...
  12. basicliving

    Google Work From Home.. Is it a scam?

    These might help:
  13. basicliving

    How cold is too cold?

    There are many threads discussing this topic - this one is quite long, but many people from VERY cold places weighed in, and I think it's worth going through all the posts I live in north western Virginia and we had daytime...
  14. basicliving

    Post your first chicken eurekas!

    Woo hoo! Isn't that the best feeling???? Winning over chickens can be an art.... you've done well. Now, before you know it you'll be swatting them away to keep them from picking your moles and freckles ;-) But you'll still love every moment of it. Congrats!!
  15. basicliving

    MingMing will not get left out

    Too cute! Way to go MingMing!
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