Recent content by bathologist

  1. bathologist

    My girls won't roost at night!

    My chicks did not roost at first. I had to shoo them in from outside in the run after dark with a flashlight. They would all be piled in a corner like puppies hot or cold. They sleep on top of the nest boxes now? Occasionally 1 or 2 of my 5 will roost, but not consistently, but they perch on...
  2. bathologist

    How do I administer a penicillin shot to a chicken?

    She (Lucy)seemed to respond favorably to the Tylan 50 for a few days I gave her 8 units in 1/2 cc insulin syringe. She was eating, socializing and acting normally for a few days. Now it is very warm and humid, I have brought her in for the evening. She eats corn and some things for me, but not...
  3. bathologist

    How do I administer a penicillin shot to a chicken?

    My girl's comb is still red also. It is hard to tell if shes lost weight, but she used to be one of my more vigorous eaters, so I noticed that first. Some posts I read thought the symptoms might be caused by ecoli. I have 5 youngsters who tend to fill the waterer with bedding and dirt, so...
  4. bathologist

    How do I administer a penicillin shot to a chicken?

    Hello, I recently found my 5 year old hen isolating herself from her fellow flockmates. She stood apart from the others with her back turned. She appeared uninterested in food, only picking at corn and feed I offered her, and then to drop it on the ground. She was excessively thirsty and drank...
  5. bathologist

    Do chickens know their breed?

    I agree with you. I have two turkey colored birds-they don't seem to fit any particular description of breed. They have white legs, red combs (one short,1 longer and flopped over), lay brown eggs, black-feathers with some brown and some white. I have two buff Orpingtons and 1 bantan buff...
  6. bathologist

    Herbs in Bedding

    I have put cypress mulch in the yard, it is inexpensive and untreated and coarse enough that it doesn't break down quickly. I use coarse ground pine or cedar shavings inside. I have a plastic liner under their roosting area that I can remove for cleaning. I now need to put in a dust bath box for...
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