Recent content by BDosier

  1. B

    Day 24 and alive

    I am currently having the same issue. We are on day 23, I heard a few peeps last night but nothing this morning. All are still alive. When I was candling at day 10 half the clutch was dead. So I got a digital hygrometer and even though the incubator was reading 100* and 57% my hygrometer which I...
  2. B

    Day 25 still no pip

    I opened the egg this morning. Fully formed and had absorbed the yolk but appeared to not be in the right position. Even after opening it didnt smell bad. Must have died recently So sad.
  3. B

    Day 25 still no pip

    Yes I'm sure. All were placed at the same time and all others hatched within a 24 hr period. My incubator has a day count. It was a silkie egg so a white egg. Very easy to see inside.
  4. B

    Which rooster should be culled?

    My opinion would be to find him a home. I don't know how anyone can kill their chickens. I give them away and let them do as they want but always hope they will be a pet to someone. I had a very aggressive Barred and gave him to a guy that uses him in his pasture as an alarm.
  5. B

    Day 25 still no pip

    Today is day 25, only egg that hasn't hatched. Veins can still be seen, shadows inside the egg moving but cant actually see movement. Not sure what to do at this point. Please help. This is my 3rd hatch and I have had to assist with success before but the egg was already pipped and partially zipped.
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