Recent content by Beakaboo

  1. Beakaboo

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Thank you, I'll give them a call & maybe make the trip out there this weekend if they have what I need. The reason I look for corn free as well as soy free is because, as someone pointed out, corn really doesn't have much in the way of nutritional value. I know the chickens love it, but I...
  2. Beakaboo

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Hello! Does anyone know if there is somewhere which sells organic soy free and corn free layer feed in the east bay (preferably in my area which is Concord-Walnut Creek-Lafayette)? I'm not having much luck so far at the local stores. I know there is a place called Modesto Milling, but they are a...
  3. Beakaboo

    Organic layer feed in my area?

    Hi, Does anyone know if there is somewhere which sells organic soy free and corn free layer feed in the east bay (preferably in my area which is Concord-Walnut Creek-Lafayette)? I'm not having much luck so far at the local stores. I know there is a place called Modesto Milling, but they are...
  4. Beakaboo

    Really LOUD noisy hen, as loud as a rooster! What to do??

    Good insights, and I'm sure ours gets upset simply because she wants our attention. We're going to try the ignore treatment & hope our neighbors will be understanding. Thank you for posting!
  5. Beakaboo

    Really LOUD noisy hen, as loud as a rooster! What to do??

    Thank you Devora. Someone else had mentioned ignoring them as a good way to re-train them to be quiet. I think that's what we're going to try. I appreciate your suggestion, thanks!
  6. Beakaboo

    Really LOUD noisy hen, as loud as a rooster! What to do??

    Thank you for your post. Hopefully some of the suggestions from this thread will help. I'm sorry to hear in your case it didn't work out. :( This is my biggest fear also.
  7. Beakaboo

    Really LOUD noisy hen, as loud as a rooster! What to do??

    The spray did seem to work, at least for 20 minutes or so. But I was concerned that by doing that I was stepping over the line into being abusive. I do agree with you about the positive reinforcement when they are quiet and calm, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks!
  8. Beakaboo

    Really LOUD noisy hen, as loud as a rooster! What to do??

    Thank you for your suggestion. I have considered this, and it makes sense, and we might give this a try. My hope (and fear) is that we aren't forced to get rid of them by complaining neighbors during the *noise breaking* period. Even if we ignore them, we still have to go out there to feed...
  9. Beakaboo

    Really LOUD noisy hen, as loud as a rooster! What to do??

    Hi Y N dottes, and thank you for your reply. This started about a month or so ago, and it's not just morning, they do it at random points throughout the day - morning and afternoon. They stop at night. I wish they only did this during egg laying, but unfortunately it has nothing to do with...
  10. Beakaboo

    Really LOUD noisy hen, as loud as a rooster! What to do??

    Hello to all! We are new chicken owners. We have 2 hens, a buff orpington and a silkie, and we keep them in our coop outside. We have had them since March, and they have become our beloved pets. We see them every day, we pick them up, they love the attention, and we love having them. They...
  11. Beakaboo

    Comment by 'Beakaboo' in article 'Beakaboos Member Page'

    UPDATE JULY 1 2012: We've been chicken keepers for 3 months now. I built a coop into a section of my shed, giving my 3 chickens about 15 sq feet of space. Their coop includes some high tech goodies such as a webcam, remote thermometer, an air conditioner. The 'coop' only has one window and tends...
  12. Beakaboo

    Beakaboos Member Page

    Howdy! I don't have any chickens yet, I am just a wannabee living in the SF east bay area, out around the Concord/Walnut Creek/Pleasant Hill sort of area. If you live in my area and have any advice for places to buy feed, vets, supplies, etc, please let me know. Right now I'm doing as much...
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