Recent content by Beamer's human

  1. Beamer's human

    Sick New mother Silkie almost dead falling over and so skinny

    surviving... moving around...gaining weight...but still half paralyzed.
  2. Beamer's human

    Sick New mother Silkie almost dead falling over and so skinny

    ps...vets here do not do chickens! Cheech! They should be called "dog and cat attendants for rich expats"! not veterinarians...
  3. Beamer's human

    Sick New mother Silkie almost dead falling over and so skinny

    She is not doing that well today. I food and water, but she took little. She is outside in a protected garden with food in front of her. The other Silkie and babies came and looked, but I think they were interested in the food more. Do anyone know which vet here has medicine for Cowasocki...
  4. Beamer's human

    Special perils (snakes, spiders, construction nails and barbs, evil neighbors rat poison) Silkies

    Greetings from the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Life for me and the chickens is a little more wild here. I do not have a vet experienced in chickens etc.... or too many supply stores. Nevertheless I have transitioned from the egg layers to Silkies! (MAN they can hold their own against the...
  5. Beamer's human

    Silkie thread!

    thank you. When I had them mixed with the larger chickens the large ones would perch and the Silkies went out of the coop to sit on my back steps. MAybe my perches were too high or they did not get along?
  6. Beamer's human

    Silkie thread!

    ok. NAvigating newbie here Costa Rica. never really cold sometimes rainy. always predators. anyhow. This lumber is expensive. I am transitioning from just chickens to Silkies. I want to build them a new coop. The Silkies I used to have prefereed to roost on my back steps. I think they...
  7. Beamer's human

    Silkie thread!

    Hello and excuse the intrusion, but I just got my Silkies and my lumber! Can I ask questions here or should I post a new thread?
  8. Beamer's human

    Trouble, the gay rooster

    I have had a lot of chickens over the last seven years. (some are Silkies and I would love more!) They are in a closed coop at night, but free range off the property during the day. I live in a jungle in Costa Rica so losses due to predators are high. I let some of my chickens go broody...
  9. Beamer's human

    Comment by 'Beamer's human' in article 'the dixie chicks's Member Page'

    I love this design. It looks like I have to build a separate coop for my Silkies. They would rather sleep on the back steps than share any of the coops with the larger birds. One question though. Do you not need anything on the ground to protect from digging predators? Or is that only an...
  10. Beamer's human

    Silkie thread!

    I am on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica (Puerto Viejo) and looking for some more "Silkies." I'd appreciate a note if you have seen any around here lately.
  11. Beamer's human

    Will a Peacock kill chicks?

    you are both correct. I panicked. One orange hen came out from under a desk beneath the house with six black chicks. I cracked open the door to the coop. They went in. The other orange hen that got up on the nest came back down to co-mother these. I am sorry that I spoke too soon...
  12. Beamer's human

    Will a Peacock kill chicks?

    I have four separate attached coops. There were two hens and their two day old chicks in the "Broody" coop. I have a fenced in yard...six foot high and I opened the door so the hens could go our for a quick walk about. I was upstairs when I heard the fuss. The good news is that one hen and...
  13. Beamer's human

    Will a Peacock kill chicks?

    Two WILD? peacocks wandered into my neighbors yard and flew over the fence to decimate all ten of my baby chicks 2-3 days old in a few moments. no remains. Waiting to see if a few escaped.
  14. Beamer's human

    Are you from Costa Rica too?

    I live in Playa Chiquita and bought Silkies called Japonesa here at Bribri, but they do not have them this moment.
  15. Beamer's human

    Playa Chiquita de Puerto Viejo COSTA RICA

    I put soe photos on the album: Carol's Caribbean Chickens in Costa Rica
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