Recent content by BeccaB00

  1. BeccaB00

    Can they go outside now?

    Okay thanks. I'll just wait
  2. BeccaB00

    Can they go outside now?

    They have their wing feathers, but not feathers down their body yet. I figured with 13 chicks, they can snuggle to keep warm...right? The erea they have for sleeping is draft free. Totally inclosed and locked up at night. Soo...I can put them out? Or wait? Sorry I have a slow working mind When...
  3. BeccaB00

    Can they go outside now?

    Hi, I have ten chicks in a brooder inside the house, and 3 chicks in a very large coop outside. The chicks inside are starting to become a big handful, and we'd like to put them outside - but they are only 11 days old. That's barely a week! However temperatures are 93-98 F in the day time and...
  4. BeccaB00

    Is this Feather Plucking?

    Quote: absolutely nothings changed. -Get up in the morning- (around 7:00) - eat pellets - - come out of cage to forage for seeds - -go back in cage and play- (door is open through-out the day) -I come in and out of the room throughout the day to 'snuggle' and...
  5. BeccaB00

    Is this Feather Plucking?

    alright. I meant chewing..not stages. Like chewing now plucking later? i dont know. Thanks though.
  6. BeccaB00

    Is this Feather Plucking?

    My macaw's chest has been all frazzled looking for months now, and if anything its getting worse...Does this look like an early stage of plucking to you? Hes not in molt. thanks.
  7. BeccaB00

    Is butter OK for chickens?

    alright thanks, Ima take this out to them then
  8. BeccaB00

    Is butter OK for chickens?

    Just a tad? We scrambled some eggs, and was going to give them to our chickens, but there was a dab of butter on the pan to keep them from sticking..thats ok right? Im really worried I'll give them somthing they shouldn't have so It never hurts to ask! Thanks!
  9. BeccaB00

    Harnesses For Dogs?

    Quote: I know it's better than it *was*, but I'm not seeing "she's totally fine" when you tell us that "even with walks daily she has to run tied out for about an hour to be calm when she comes inside<snip> she bolts and then gets jerked back" Pat I walk her, then tie her out for a little...
  10. BeccaB00

    Harnesses For Dogs?

    I dont think my parents would be very happy about an electric fence. I have a sibling whos very young, and would most likely end up hurting himself on it.
  11. BeccaB00

    Harnesses For Dogs?

    Quote: I know, but see, things are going well. The thread is about a good harness, but got turned to fencing. Shes totally fine We've also made a huge improvement on training. PuppyBantamCochin - No she runs and rips in cricles. She still, I guess 'forgets' and runs straight, and gets...
  12. BeccaB00

    Harnesses For Dogs?

    Quote: We have a somewhat sturdy stake, ( the best we could find ) And a 20 ft. tie out cable, my border collie runs and rips on it. I think my dogs would destroy a kennel, as my lab jumps them, and my border collie digs like crazy...then my hound would follow. But I don't know. I...
  13. BeccaB00

    Harnesses For Dogs?

    We have been looking for fencing, because Im not a fan of tieing them out either. Since we don't have the money to do the whole yard, We thought about fencing in behind our garage, because it's cement back there so they can't dig. However, Since times are really rough and moneys tight...
  14. BeccaB00

    Hatching eggs

    They dont have a HUGE chance of hatching, but some people are successful most the time only one chick survives, if any survive at all.
  15. BeccaB00

    Harnesses For Dogs?

    What harnesses do you recommend, that dogs cannot chew through in like, 5 minutes?
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