Recent content by beccybumbles

  1. beccybumbles

    Noisy noisy chicken who started laying eggs recently!? Help?

    Hahaha my 2 Road Island Reds are sooo noisey! Brenda will be in the nesting box laying and Roxie will be out side shouting about Brenda laying!!!!!!! and vice- versa :) i hope my neighbours dont complain! i sometimes put meal worms into the chicken run to shut her up! whilst the other is laying...
  2. beccybumbles

    19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

    ok, in the uk the weather is cold and wet! i have had my 2 girls for 4 wks now, they are 25 weeks old, i am gladualy taming them! they r brill! luv them to bits but still no eggs! why? someone told me that as its october now they might not start laying till spring? is this true?, they r free...
  3. beccybumbles

    Comment by 'beccybumbles' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    My 2 girls are obsessed with red seedless grapes, the grapes have been a god send when taming them! (or trying to!) now as a treat and to help keep them entertained, i hide the around the coop, under a rock pile etc. this chart is the best i have seen so far thanks :) x
  4. beccybumbles

    water in nesting area at night????

    yeah thanks all, they get let out at 7.00am straight into coop and with fresh water and food. you have put the last 4 sleepless nights to rest, wondering if they are thirsty lol. they have fresh water all day THANKS XXXXXXX
  5. beccybumbles

    water in nesting area at night????

    hi i am new to chicken life. i was wondering if i need to put water in the closed off roosting/nestin box during the night????
  6. beccybumbles

    19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

    I have 22 week ladies, i keep checking for eggs but nothing yet! owww its like waiting for a baby to be born i will take a photo when it happens
  7. beccybumbles

    Comment by 'beccybumbles' in article 'How To Clip Trim The Feather Wings Of Your Chicken To Prevent Flight'

    i want to clip my girls wing but i was told to clip up the feather and not touch the shaft. will this work as well????
  8. beccybumbles

    New- be chicken owner :)

    Hi, thankyou for your advice i am sat in my conservatory waiting for the dawn to break and the girls to wake, i cant wait to see them agani! i think i am feeling like a excited kid in a sweet shop lol xx
  9. beccybumbles

    Comment by 'beccybumbles' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    WOW thanks, this page is fab to us new-be's chicken lovers :)
  10. beccybumbles

    New- be chicken owner :)

    hi all, i have just started caring for 2 warren chickens! i have so many things i want to ask so i will start with this one: whats the best way to start taming my chucks? they are 18weeks old,they will in the future have free range access of the back garden so must be able to catch them when...
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