
Hey y’all! I’m brand new to chicken raising and I’m super excited to learn from everyone here. My fiancé and I are DINKs (dual income no kids) so our pets are our babies, and the chickies will be no different! We want nothing but the healthiest and happiest chicks around 🥰 Even though I’m an ICU nurse, I’m a big believer that food and lifestyle should be our medicine and I plan on raising my chickens with the same mindset. I’m excited to explore how I can keep my girls healthy and in turn, receive healthy and delicious eggs! I would love nothing more than a homestead in the mountains but my 1/4 acre in Central Florida will due for now. Thanks for being apart of this community with me! 🐣♥️🐓
Central Florida
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Because I want the healthiest biddies in town!
ICU Nurse



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