Recent content by beejentl

  1. beejentl

    Golden Sex-link Hen

    Hi, If you still want my golden sex-link, you may have her. I think it will be best for her as she will be able to be part of a flock again and not all by herself. Her name is Sass-a-Frass or Sassy for short. How would you like to arrange pick-up? My email is [email protected]. I...
  2. beejentl

    Golden Sex-link Hen

    Oh ok. Let me speak with my husband and I will get back to you after the holidays if that's ok? She'd prolly love being around the younger chicks!
  3. beejentl

    Golden Sex-link Hen

    I thought you had adult leg horns as well?
  4. beejentl

    Golden Sex-link Hen

    I thought you had adult leg horns as well?
  5. beejentl

    Golden Sex-link Hen

    Hi! I am so sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner! Do you have other chickens as well? I am afraid if I give her to someone with an established adult flock, they will pick on her as well. I still need to find her a home but am worried about finding her the right home.
  6. beejentl

    Golden Sex-link Hen

    I am in Vacaville CA. I have a Golden Sex-link hen who is being bullied by my other hens. She needs a new home as I have had to separate her from the other girls. She is my favorite hen and my best layer. I don't want to get rid of her but the other girls will kill her. When I removed her...
  7. beejentl

    Comment by 'beejentl' in article 'Eglu Go Info'

    Where did you buy your used Eglu?
  8. beejentl

    Beejentls Member Page

    My name is Brooke. My husband son and I live in Vacaville CA. We have 1 Black Australorp, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte and one New Hampshire Red. They are about 2 weeks old as of May 27, 2010. We also have one very sweet labrador named Jimmy Dean!! That's my son and I. Our lab Jimmy Dean...
  9. beejentl

    Silver Laced, Gold Laced Wyandotte pullets, EE pullets

    I may be interested in a GLW. or an EE. Where in N.CA are you?
  10. beejentl

    New Hampshire Red Hen

    I have a New Hampshire Red Hen who is a year old as of this past May. She lays big light brown eggs approx. 1 a day. I live in a neighborhood where the houses are pretty close together and she is a bit noisey at times. My other two are pretty quiet (Wyandotte and Australorp). If you would...
  11. beejentl

    Log Chicken Cabin

    That is really cool! Reminds me of my son's lincoln logs! Love it!
  12. beejentl

    May 2010 Pullets....waiting on first eggs?

    My girls are 23 weeks and my SLW started laying a few days ago. I get one a day from her. My NHR and my Blk Aust have not started laying yet. Cant wait until they do!
  13. beejentl

    First Egg!!

    It sure does!!!
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