Recent content by Ben8

  1. Ben8

    Thermostat wiring

    If in series and one stat fails in the open position electrical current can not flow thru the second stat and on to the heat element. On my incubators I use an inexpensive digital thermostat with an output visual/audio alarm. By the way I am a retired electronics professor.
  2. Ben8

    Thermostat wiring

    If you wire them 'inline' aka series circuit, if one fails both will fail. Wire them in a parallel circuit and if one fails the other will work.
  3. Ben8

    Auto-sexing Olive Eggers

    Pictures of day old chicks under Olive egger sex linked. Notice the white dot on the male chick.
  4. Ben8

    Sex linked Olive Egger

    Sorry, crest not crease.
  5. Ben8

    Sex linked Olive Egger

    Day old olive egger. Sex-linked, French Black Copper Marans roo x Crested Cream Legbar hen. Male has white dot on top of his head and a small crease.
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