Recent content by bexnd

  1. bexnd

    hatchling leg concern should i be worried

    i'll see if i can get more up but heres a start it's a bit tired after struggling to get out of the shell for 2 days
  2. bexnd

    hatchling leg concern should i be worried

    i cant even straighten the leg its like theres just no movement in the joint
  3. bexnd

    hatchling leg concern should i be worried

    and what would i do it keeps trying to move but is ending up using its elbow poor little thing
  4. bexnd

    hatchling leg concern should i be worried

    my duckling has spent the last 2 days hatching its finally graced us with an appearence but im concerned about its leg one is moving, i mean its not steady by any means, but im expecting that, but the other leg isnt moving it wont straighten out. looks like it moves from hip, but i've even...
  5. bexnd

    please tell me what this duck is!

    ooooooooooooooooooooooo touchy
  6. bexnd

    What to feed Ducks?

    there is an ingredient in chicken feed that water foul arent saposed to have i found out. can you see if your local supplier can stock duck feed my local pet stores will stock what i need if they can get it .
  7. bexnd

    what kind of duck is she?

    i've never washed my eggs lol but scrambled duck eggs really nice :)
  8. bexnd

    what kind of duck is she?
  9. bexnd


    not sure they're a very domesticated duck. and as for 2 males they should be fine as long as there are no girls but males dont often make the best house pets i had a drake and he was fine till his hormones kicked in then he wouldnt stop trying to mount my feet : \. but i would say if you do get...
  10. bexnd

    what kind of duck is she?

    i would be inclined to compare her to the orpington buff too.... have you got any side pics??
  11. bexnd

    When to give them swimming water?

    i always let mine swim after about a week old but if you think about it where does mum take them they swim often before 2 days old so its not going to hurt them aslong as they're dried off after my ducklings where house kept so keeping them warm after wasnt an issue but if yours are outside cage...
  12. bexnd

    Should I attempt to catch a white-wild Pekin?

    :( couldnt imagine ever putting mine in the wild with all the preditors. when we had to rehome ours due to change in circumstance i was even worried about giving them new owners just incase they wouldnt be kept as pets so gave them to a vegan run animal sanctuary more than content with them...
  13. bexnd

    Spending time with ducks

    they're more cuddly wen they are like an only child . they are imprint animals this page i think describes it best :)
  14. bexnd

    Duck Toy Idea

    i got small dog treat balls for mine fill it up and watch the duck have fun . my drake loved a babble ball which when he pushed it it said things and made noises. he also liked a parrot toy only because he could rattle it so he could get your attention very quickly lol we all hated that noise
  15. bexnd

    Should I attempt to catch a white-wild Pekin?

    are you sure its pekin and not just a white duck pekins arent good flyers so how'd it get there??
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