Recent content by BFeathered

  1. BFeathered

    Dog Breed Experience Poll/Database

    I have to say that I've got the world's laziest Rhodesian Ridgeback. He "plays" with the chickens through the pen fence, but all he really wants is their food! My Airedale terrier, however, got 2 of my first pullets (grumbling about stupid humans!). She definitely typifies the terrier group...
  2. BFeathered

    Buff Orp personality?

    My Buff, Ginger, is generally pretty quiet (except for egg-laying, of course), but she does mutter and purr (yes, she really purrs). Since I got her in trade for a beautiful but LOUD BC Marans roo, I'm not sure if she was a hatchery chick or not. I will say that she's quite a Mama's girl...
  3. BFeathered

    Anyone else have a totally "blonde" moment?

    Oh yeah, after a while, it doesn't matter what color your hair is. Mine's red at the moment, but I have at least 2-3 blonde moments a day. Ironically, my DD is a true blonde, a tweenager and a drama queen. Guess who still takes the blonde crown?! I just call them brain-toots, and try to...
  4. BFeathered

    Hello from South Texas

    Welcome to the feathered funny-farm! Enjoy your newest "kids" and stay cool.
  5. BFeathered

    Big News!

    Congratulations Buster! You deserve all the best.
  6. BFeathered

    BC Marans "runs out of ink"

    Friday is right at a year old. It doesn't seem to matter what the weather or season is... wonder if I added some chocolate to her diet.... (just kidding! Those chocolate easter eggs are mine, ALL MINE)
  7. BFeathered

    BC Marans "runs out of ink"

    Does anyone else's dark egg-layers "run out of ink or toner?" My BC Marans seems to cycle between a beautiful, dark chocolate brown egg and a rough, pink-y brown one. (with the full gamut of in-between!) The girls' diet is pretty consistent, layer crumbles, oyster shell, free-range in the...
  8. BFeathered

    Help with diarrhea in dogs - UPDATE, pg. 2

    I agree with Redyre, get him checked out, just to be safe. A partial obstruction can turn ugly fast. Good luck and keep us posted.
  9. BFeathered

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Hhmmm... this has been fun reading! Just to bump it back a bit: I have heard some describe Heathen as those who follow/practice the old Germanic/Norse religions (yes Pagan). And BTW, the pagan Celts gave the Catholics (St) Brigit. She was supposedly in cahoots (read bed, LOL) with (St)...
  10. BFeathered

    Took Pogo to the Groomer...dun, dun DUN!!! *Photos*

    Eek! Pogo needs a new name... I feel your pain (literally). I have the opposite problem. I had a really big brainless moment (or 5) and got a standard poodle a few months ago. I do my own grooming too. But I'd never had a poodle with a true "show coat" before. Cotton coat I can deal with...
  11. BFeathered

    What is this color pattern called(cat)?

    Yup, gorgeous Tabby (I agree, Classic). If he has an "M" on his forehead between the eyes, that really clinches it. He's a real beauty, you've been a wonderful "mom". Enjoy him while you still have him, and know that there are plenty of tabbies out there when the time comes to fill your arms...
  12. BFeathered

    Volunteer needs to vent

    It's that don't show up at all that really gets me. Is it really that difficult to hit the buttons on the phone or the computer? I know 4 of these moms a little bit, and their sense of entitlement is truly jaw dropping. (sigh) Guess I'm bringing down the neighborhood with my old-fashioned values.
  13. BFeathered

    Positive dog news

    Good Dog! Have a whole tin of cookies! Glad she didn't get sprayed- peew. Just out of curiosity, what is a patterdale? I've got an Airedale, is it a mix?
  14. BFeathered

    Volunteer needs to vent

    Hello all you lovely feathered creature caretakers, I haven't been on in a while, but I'm sure you're all busy too. I just need to vent, and you're such great sounding boards and laugh inducers that I'm doing it here. I volunteer at the middle school library for 2 hours (lunch) 1 day a...
  15. BFeathered

    Ken had a heart attack - Meal ideas needed now!!!!

    Wow, the drama, Mama! Deb, so glad Ken is doing well and is home. My MIL actually has a stent at the point where that artery splits, so I understand the nail biting you've been doing. Luckily cardiology has come a long way, and Ken was seen soon enough to make a difference. If you haven't...
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