Recent content by BigECart

  1. BigECart

    GLW Cockerel?

    He’s not unfriendly but his brain short circuits and he attacks. He seems just as surprised as us when he attacks. Mostly I hold still when he’s eying me until he remembers that I’m not a threat, and then we are good.
  2. BigECart

    GLW Cockerel?

    Quite a bit of pink on this chick’s command I am seeing the beginnings of wattles. I know 3.5 weeks is too soon to know, but I’m betting on cockerel. Bad news for my Andalusian rooster who occasionally thinks about attacking us, and sometimes follows through.
  3. BigECart

    White Laced Red Cornish

    She remains the smallest of my chicks. Yesterday I noticed that her eye was injured - maybe pecked by another chick. It’s better today. More concerning is that she continues to have pasty butt blockage. My brooder might be overcrowded - I moved all but the WLRC and Legbar to an outside pen...
  4. BigECart

    White Laced Red Cornish

    Third image, 2 week old Ancona, WLRC, Cream Legbar, and mystery black chick (australorp? There were 4 breeds that I can’t differentiate yet.)
  5. BigECart

    White Laced Red Cornish

    I ordered a WLRC from McMurray and she is the tiniest chick. The description says she will weigh 8 pounds when mature but I wonder if she is a bantam. I have a cream legbar that is also small, all of the other chicks are significantly larger. Anyone have experience with the breed from McMurray...
  6. BigECart

    Been a rough year!

    I purchased my first pullets from a local breeder. They came with Marek’s. Losing all but 2 over a period of 4 months was awful. I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong; why they were dying. I also trust the sexing from a hatchery more than a breeder. But if we don’t have a high rate of...
  7. BigECart

    Been a rough year!

    I have lost so many chicks and chickens this last year and a half. Started with two Rottweilers that killed 4 of our 7 pullets/cockerels and one hen. Lost half of the replacement chicks to USPS rough handling. Lost the last couple of 9 year old hens, and 2 of the 3 surviving 3-year old hens...
  8. BigECart

    Are hawks a problem with free range chickens?

    Y you our friend could search this forum for “hawk deterrent”. My property is heavily wooded; lots of undergrowth to hide in. I also added a rooster to my flock this year - I suspect he chased the hawk off. Maybe the jerk won’t be going to freezer camp after all. I haven’t heard of anyone doing...
  9. BigECart

    Are hawks a problem with free range chickens?

    Yes, hawk attacks are a problem for free range chickens. We usually have several attacks a year but luckily haven’t lost any hens. Last attack was 2 days ago - I suspect our cockerel chased the hawk away. The hawks will go for the hen’s eyes. You can see how much damage it did to Cleo’s...
  10. BigECart

    Is it actually a roo?

    So sorry that you lost him. We had a dog attack right after we moved our pullets to the coop and lost 4 of 7, plus an older hen. My 3 remaining pullets are still skittish, probably always will be. I’m still traumatized. One of my chicks was super friendly and I feel like I failed her. I love...
  11. BigECart

    5 Week Old True Blue Whiting - Cockerel?

    I did not have Welsummer in my order. They came the week after the Amazon Prime event - between the heat and possible rough handling, or something wrong in my setup, I lost 4 the first week: Ancona, buttercup, Phoenix, white faced black Spanish. My understanding is that TBW is a mixed breed with...
  12. BigECart

    5 Week Old True Blue Whiting - Cockerel?

    I’m seeing pink wattles. 90% sure this is a cockerel. I have three survivors in this batch; the other two are an Andalusian cockerel and a golden Campine pullet. The TBW’s legs have always matched the Andalusian’s, as has his size. The GC is smaller and more delicate. We have heard some crowing...
  13. BigECart

    Deceased hen tested positive for Marek’s

    Sorry for the late response. She was my sensitive child’s favorite hen and seemed happy enough, just that her legs were paralyzed. Healthy appetite, bright eyes. So we made her a box to give her some time, with the expectation of euthanizing her as she declined. We did have to bathe her...
  14. BigECart

    No chickens were harmed - Raccoon swarm

    My theory is that it’s better to have predators who have tried and failed to get into the coop - after they’ve tried a couple of times, they will give up. Weirdly, the only issue we have had with raccoons is them getting into the feed and eating eggs. We’ve never had one attack our chickens...
  15. BigECart

    Predator Proof Enough to Leave Door Open?

    My coop is open to the run - it only has three sides, protected from north winds. We also have it set into the woods for extra shade. It’s worked well for us, going on 10 years I think. The largest gaps are where the corrugated roof meets the coop sides, so I wouldn’t say it is snake proof. The...
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