Recent content by BigECarter

  1. BigECarter

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    If you use an incubator and are diligent with bio security, you should be able to sell the chicks. I second the previous poster asking if you have had a necropsy done to confirm Marek's. Your post implies that the chicks came with Marek's from the hatchery, but Meyer is a large and...
  2. BigECarter

    Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

    I've seen some crazy stories over the years. The Chicken Chick has been going through something similar, and as a popular blogger I am sure her story checks out. The craziest/most unbelievable thread I read was on a home building bb. A mistake by a realtor snowballed and was not caught until...
  3. BigECarter

    Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

    You find out you MIGHT be getting your leg pulled. Speculation does not equal proof.
  4. BigECarter

    Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

    If you read the Robert Frost poem, his neighbor says that good fences make good neighbors. The poem is about Frost's disagreement with that. (Although in the poem, they were already good neighbors. Which does not apply to this thread.)
  5. BigECarter

    Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

    There are stories of chickens recovering. My pullet, Ursula, could not stand at all. But she was my daughters favorite pullet, and even when paralyzed was a happy girl. So, we kept putting off culling her. Eventually she recovered, but she was a house chicken for several months. It was a...
  6. BigECarter

    Sick chicken - green & yellow poo

    If it's Marek's, this thread has a lot of good info. Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock I ordered my replacement chicks vaccinated from Murray McMurray - of the 9 chicks that I kept, only one developed Marek's...
  7. BigECarter

    Chickens stopped sleeping in coop

    Aren't there some mites that only come out at night? I would treat the roost board just to be safe. Also, is there adequate ventilation in the coop?
  8. BigECarter

    Broody hen or sick? HELP!!!

    Maybe she is egg bound. She sounds in bad shape - do you have a poultry vet? I've never dealt with an egg bound hen so don't want to give bad advice - you should be able to search on this board, or go to FAQ at, or go to the chicken chick's page (google it). I hope she gets...
  9. BigECarter

    Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

    I don't think the collar will work. If the crowing was the issue, then yes, stopping the crowing would work. But that's not the issue, and the neighbor will complain about Spock whether he crows or not.
  10. BigECarter

    Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

    If the requirement is 45 feet, I would make it 46 feet. That way you are well within the limits and there will be no issue how the measurement is taken when she files a complaint.
  11. BigECarter

    Am I overfeeding my chicken?

    Layer feed should be available at all times. Limit the scratch - not sure how much but I think I've heard a tablespoon per day. Not sure about kitchen scraps. Veggies are good, but pasta should be limited.
  12. BigECarter

    The unmovable chicken

    Probably broody.
  13. BigECarter

    Neighbor hates my chickens- will she do them harm?

    Given that your neighbor used the 'disabled son' card, I interpret the inspection as the board doing their due diligence before ruling. I would be surprised if they deny your request. Although... My board would deny it just because of the disabled son. They never let common sense prevail over...
  14. BigECarter

    Sick hen

    I haven't had to deal with it yet, but here's a blog post that might help:
  15. BigECarter

    unknown disease!!!!!

    Sorry to hear that she is doing worse. What treatments have you tried?
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