Recent content by birdbrain5

  1. birdbrain5

    Peacock nest! Question!

    I did not expect my peahen to lay this year really, I was told my pair is a year/year and a half old. Well so far she has laid 8 eggs! The first 4 I gathered to incubate, but then days went by and I didn’t see any eggs around then I saw she had 3 together in the grass! I thought maybe I should...
  2. birdbrain5

    Why are they constantly screaming?

    Don’t get me wrong, I love love hearing my peafowl!! But suddenly it is OFTEN. I used to just hear the male once or twice a day. Now it’s off and on all day. The female too! Is it just that time of year, breeding season? Or are my peafowl unhappy? They seem to be fluttering around a lot more...
  3. birdbrain5

    What breed is this?

    These two ducklings were given to me. What breed are they?
  4. birdbrain5

    Dirty eggs, wash or don’t wash?

    I am selling my chicken eggs, and my 9 hens refuse to use more than one nest box. So they all pile in either together or one right after another and all of my eggs end up dirty on rainy wet days. Totally u appealing. I know most people say not to wash eggs, but how do you sell someone dirty...
  5. birdbrain5

    DIY Door Automation

    This is what I have been searching for! A way to diy this!! Now I just need to try to figure out how you did it lol. So cool!! Did you get all your parts from lowes or something similar?
  6. birdbrain5

    Any DIY automatic coop door ideas?

    Wondering if anyone has made their own automatic coop door? I see some for sale but I am wondering if there’s a way to make one DIY
  7. birdbrain5

    How much do you charge per dozen? And location

    I am finally getting lots of eggs again and will be selling them locally in the neighborhood. I feed non gmo feeds, and I have a large yard for my chickens fenced in. Not exactly “free range” but close enough for me. I’m wondering how much to charge per dozen this year. Egg prices are crazy but...
  8. birdbrain5

    Exchequer Leghorn hatching eggs - Taking orders

    thier eggs are small to medium.. have had great luck hatching these eggs reguardless of the size, i have many chicks from them! :) thanks for your interest!
  9. birdbrain5

    Exchequer Leghorn hatching eggs - Taking orders

    my birds have orange/yellow legs, some small spots on them as well.
  10. birdbrain5

    Exchequer Leghorn hatching eggs - Taking orders

    Taking orders on my exchequer leghorn hatching eggs. I only ship eggs Monday-Wednesday priority mail so they will not sit at the post office over the weekend. I wrap each egg individually in bubble wrap and pack the box tightly. Havent had one egg break to date! 12+ eggs = $30.00 +...
  11. birdbrain5

    wanting to trade FOR turkey eggs:

    great! well 6 - 12 would be good, let me know what you think! :)
  12. birdbrain5

    12+ Exchequer Leghorn hatching eggs (AUCTION ENDS TONIGHT - MON.)

    i will, if you want to PM me the date you'd be ready for them i will do my best to get them to you right around there!
  13. birdbrain5

    pine shavings for bedding?

    i am moving my emu chicks into a horse stall since thier pen is getting a little cramped.... it is all set up except the bedding. will pine shavings be ok or will they eat it? i could use hay, but i would rather the shavings since it will be easier to clean.
  14. birdbrain5

    12+ Exchequer Leghorn hatching eggs (AUCTION ENDS TONIGHT - MON.)

    12+ exchequer leghorn hatching eggs to ship Tuesday 4/24 or Wednesday 4/25 depending when payment is recieved. This is an auction, please post and bid here in $1.00 increments. I wrap each egg individually in bubble wrap and mark the box fragile and ship priority. See feedback! Many chicks...
  15. birdbrain5

    AUCTION: 6+ Exchequer Leghorn Hatching Eggs

    awesome!! ....sorry i just saw this!
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