Recent content by BirdGirl2004

  1. BirdGirl2004

    Broody hen hatching eggs in hot temperatures

    YAAAAY! SOOOO EXCITING!!!! Keep us posted!! Anything happened yet?!?!:pop:pop:pop:pop:pop:pop:pop:pop
  2. BirdGirl2004

    Broody hen hatching eggs in hot temperatures

    I would keep them there until your absolutely sure they won't hatch! The temp for the eggs need to be around 99.5 degrees, so honestly this temp sounds perfect to me!! I would LOVE to see some pics of your broody, and also the eggs if they hatch! How many eggs does she have under her?? Is she a...
  3. BirdGirl2004

    What breed is this white beauty?

    I meant on the "standard" size of the birds I have seen. I was just making a point of how her bird wasnt underweight:thumbsup
  4. BirdGirl2004

    Please look: Super crooked beak on my Sebright

    Heres a good site with info... If your chicken is growing and thriving, it shouldn't be a big problem! BUT, here is how you can help it if need be!:thumbsup
  5. BirdGirl2004

    Breeds ok to mix with my flock?

    lol...been there done that... actually still doing it at this moment:lau:lau:lau
  6. BirdGirl2004

    Turkey attacked by something

    Oh... gosh! Your poor turkey!:hugsI think that what you put on it, should be great for it. but here are some steps I found from a website that could really help your turkey! Good luck, and I hope this helps!:thumbsup Hold a clean piece of lintless cloth or gauze over the wound Trim feathers...
  7. BirdGirl2004

    Breeds ok to mix with my flock?

    lol okay! That's a good idea! Broodies are so much easier than taking care of them your own!
  8. BirdGirl2004


    Omg Im dying :lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau
  9. BirdGirl2004

    adding to my egg layers

    First and foremost... :welcome! I hope that you enjoy this site as much as the rest of us do!! I have learned SOOO much from this site, and I hope that you do too! I encourage you to post some pics of your chickens. ducks when you get the chance, I LOVE to see other peoples flocks!!:love...
  10. BirdGirl2004

    Picking a Cream Legbar Rooster

    First and Foremost... :welcome! I hope that you enjoy this site as much as the rest of us do!! i Have learned SOOOO much from this site, and I hope that you do too! :frow I would LOOVEE to see some pics of you little chicks! I love seeing other peoples chickens, and I especially love Cream...
  11. BirdGirl2004

    What breed is this white beauty?

    I would agree with @Golden Brahma 64! It looks like a Snowy Easter Egger!! I wouldn't be too worried about her size yet, she still has lots of more time to grow... but based on the breed standard, they don't get very big anyways! Heres a pic for re-assurance!! Looks like yours doesn't it...
  12. BirdGirl2004


    LOL!! That happened to me as well one time. You can always post pictures on here... and I will ( and many other fellow BYC members) would be more than glad to help you out!! I LOVE:love Pekin ducks, my 2 ducks Pat and Don were the sweetest things ever!
  13. BirdGirl2004

    What does it mean if my hen is pooping like this?!

    First and foremost... :welcome! I hope that you enjoy this site as much as the rest of us do!! I have learned SOOO much from this site, and I hope that you do too!:frow I encourage you to post some pics of your little cuties... I LOVE to see other peoples chickens:love:love:love... ( It make we...
  14. BirdGirl2004


    First and Foremost... :celebrate :welcome! I hope that you enjoy this site as much as the rest of us do!! I have learned SOOOO much from this site, and I hope that you do too! :frow I encourage you to post some pics of your chickens ( and duckies )! I LOVE your breed choices! Wyandottes are one...
  15. BirdGirl2004

    Broody Hens and Baby Chicks

    I would think it would be okay, as long as the newest broody doesn't try to get ahold of the chicks... I would watch broods behavior with the mama and 12 babies, and you can always take the babies out if you need to. Also... 12 chicks?!? Thats a really good hatch rate.... good for you! I would...
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