Recent content by birdlover

  1. birdlover

    Topic of the week - Chicken run management

    I only have 2 hens which makes all chores a fraction of the work others with bigger flocks have. I don't add anything on top of the bare ground and it works fine. I use a broom and "stand up" dust pan to sweep up their poops and, again, it works great! For the runny poops I dig under them a...
  2. birdlover

    Is Cluckyunique?

    She only free ranges when I keep watch on her a couple of hours a day. (Maybe that's not free range?). Otherwise, she and her friend stay in a very large chicken run, part of which is under our deck. I've checked there lots of times and, so far, nothing! I've kept lots of chickens in the...
  3. birdlover

    Is Cluckyunique?

    Thank you so much for your feedback! I hope she gives me an egg soon!!!
  4. birdlover

    Is Cluckyunique?

    Clucky is a black australorp, almost 9 months old. She has not started laying!!! Has anybody else had a pullet go that long before laying? Has anyone had one that NEVER laid an egg? She is healthy and she has finished a minor molt. She eats organic layer feed, free ranges a couple hours a...
  5. birdlover

    Confused what animal took her!

    Thank you! I need it!
  6. birdlover

    Confused what animal took her!

    Well, gosh!!! I never would have thought a fox would climb an 8 foot lattice!!! So, do raccoons always leave a "calling card" of parts behind?
  7. birdlover

    Confused what animal took her!

    Hello, everyone. Something took my favorite little bantam hen between 5:30 - 7:30 the other evening. She was in the coop, broody, but the door was open. The feathers I found were outside the coop and I'm thinking she got up and ran and it got her outside. I would say raccoon but doesn't...
  8. birdlover

    Comment by 'birdlover' in article 'Bedding Part 1: Comparing Materials'

    Hi! Great information! In another site I read that Koop Clean is excellent so I use that. It costs though...$17 a bale. It's made up of shredded straw, shredded hay and sweet PDZ. I've been very happy with it. Are you familiar with it? Does anyone else use it? The cost isn't prohibitive for me...
  9. birdlover

    2 month old chicks...curious behavior

    Well, thank you ALL!!! Then there's hope, after al, that Tweed could be a girl! Yay! One of the other three has started to take up his challenge now instead of just standing there. It's very interesting to watch!
  10. birdlover

    2 month old chicks...curious behavior

    Hi! I have 4 chicks and I just got them last Monday. So, I've spent a lot of time observing them and I don't quite understand this one behavior I'm seeing. One, who I'm thinking might be a cockerel, runs up to any of the other three who stretch their bodies out and flap their wings and chest...
  11. birdlover

    Kind of new

    Thank you for the warm greetings, everyone! Feeling back at home already! :cd
  12. birdlover

    Kind of new

    Hello! I can't tell you how happy I am to be here!! I was a member of the "original" BYC and came here in 2007 when everything changed hands. BUT, I gave my chickens away in 2008 (long story) and just got four little 2 month old bantams yesterday to begin chickening again! I have to pinch...
  13. birdlover

    Wakey, Wakey!!

    Well, it's now 7:00 p.m. And I have my OJ and rum to sleepy, sleepy! LOL!
  14. birdlover

    Starting with chickens again!

    Great! Thanks!!
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