Recent content by BizzyB

  1. B

    Can Polish be put with other chickens?

    I was thinking of getting at least one Silver Laced Polish to go in my new flock but was wondering if it was safe since they’re so skittish? The new flock so far has a Welsummer, a Dominicker, a Rhode Island Red, and an Easter Egger. I don’t want to get a Polish and have it be tortured by the...
  2. B

    What kills chickens but leaves the entire body

    It was during the day and feathers were everywhere. We found the entry way and it was pretty small plus we haven’t had foxes where I live in over 10 years but we have plenty of coyotes, opossums, skunks, and raccoons. I didn’t see any wounds on the chickens and I was home at the time. My dog was...
  3. B

    What kills chickens but leaves the entire body

    I had a flock of seven chickens but today I looked outside and they were all dead. I found five of the bodies and was able to bury them but I’m missing two but I don’t know what would kill the entire flock and leave most of the bodies completely intact? We’ve had a hawk recently going between my...
  4. B

    Rooster shakes head

    Sometimes I play with my rooster by trying to get him to crow. I’ll try and make the sound and sometimes it’ll make him crow in response but other times he’ll shake his head back and forth. I call it his little dance but my dad says he’s probably telling me no he doesn’t want to crow. What’s the...
  5. B

    Reintroducing a chicken

    I’ve been struggling a bit with reintroducing one of my hens back into the flock. She was injured by a dog and the wound was made worse by her flock mates that we had to separate her from them but now they won’t allow her back into the flock. We put her in with them today and it seemed to be...
  6. B

    Chickens can’t grow new eyes right?

    My chicken was attacked by a dog causing a wound on her eye which was then made worse by her flock mates pecking at it. It’s been a few months, it happened in August of last year if I remember correctly, and I just picked her up after her flock mates went after her and I saw an eye where there...
  7. B

    Chicken lost an eye, seemed to be healed, eye wound leaking again

    One of my chickens lost an eye to a dog attack followed by her flock mates pecking at it. I put her back in with the others after my mom cleaned out her eye, it was dead and causing an infection, and her eye seemed to be healed. I heard clucking at 1 am tonight so I raced outside worried...
  8. B

    When does a rooster start to crow?

    I have a Dominicker rooster that has yet to crow. We bought him in April and it looks like he’s full grown, being that he is only slightly smaller than my older girls, but he hasn’t crowed at all yet? Is it still too early? He had the feathering of a male bird. I’ll attach a photo that was...
  9. B

    Chicken eye injury

    One of my chickens was recently attacked by a dog, dog got her head through her fence, which injured the area around her eye. We separated her from the other six but when I came out the next day she was in the main roost and the area around her eye was swollen up so I brought her inside to see...
  10. B

    My chicken can’t stand

    There’s a small little gap behind my chicken coop and the fence surrounding them that I usually chase the chickens out of of they get stuck but my Welsummer was stuck back there, I think changed by my older hens, and she was laying on her side and when I pulled her out she couldn’t stand. I...
  11. B

    Could my hen be a rooster?

    I have a Dominicker named Blueberry Michelle and recently I’ve noticed that her tail feathers have a curl or sickle shape to them. My mom says that some hens can have tail feathers like that and we hope she’s not a rooster cause we planned on only having chickens for eggs not breeding. If she is...
  12. B

    Trouble introducing new hens

    Since a the teens were about half the size of the adults so a few weeks to maybe a month? This is my first time with chickens so I may be making the process longer and/or harder because of my worrying and I’ve also been relying on my parents’ knowledge of chickens as they both raised chickens...
  13. B

    Trouble introducing new hens

    I put my teen hens temporary coop near by the adult coop so they can see each other and have been able to see each other since the teens that I got as chicks were able to stay outside by themselves. When I try to introduce them I let them all out of their coops to run around the yard so my teens...
  14. B

    Trouble introducing new hens

    I’ve been trying to introduce my new teen hens (a Dominicker, RIR, and a Welsummer) to my existing adult hens (two black sex links, a red sex link, and an Australorp) but it’s been a bit harder than I expected. I knew there would be fighting but it surprised me how rough they get. I tried...
  15. B

    Do all Wellsummers look like hawks?

    I’ve noticed that as my Welsummer chicken, Cinnamon aka Cinnie Minnie, has started to look like a Hawk. I just mean her pattern, colors, and even her beak has a black spot reminiscent of a hawk. Were they bred to mimic the appearance of hawks as a way to deter hawks or was this just random?
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